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New employment rules for dismissing underproductive staff. about time!!

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Strong unions help in building successful businesses. It has been proved many times over.

excuse me????? how does that work??:hihi::hihi: examples? british leyland? british coal? british steel? public service, nhs? :hihi::hihi: all strangled with union action to the point of total inefficiency, overstaffing and over zealous union officials on a power trip:loopy::loopy: scargill recently springs to mind still wanting his benefits from a union with approx 200 members.............so Sebtine lets hear about unions helping a sucessful business?

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excuse me????? how does that work??:hihi::hihi: examples? british leyland? british coal? british steel? public service, nhs? :hihi::hihi: all strangled with union action to the point of total inefficiency, overstaffing and over zealous union officials on a power trip:loopy::loopy: scargill recently springs to mind still wanting his benefits from a union with approx 200 members.............so Sebtine lets hear about unions helping a sucessful business?


If unions had been stronger in Britain , we would not have been in our present mess. We are in the thick brown stuff very much deeper than we ever were in the days of strong unions.


Thus Strong Unions= Stable Economies.:)

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If unions had been stronger in Britain , we would not have been in our present mess. We are in the thick brown stuff very much deeper than we ever were in the days of strong unions.


Thus Strong Unions= Stable Economies.:)

really!!!!! how exactly does that work:suspect:

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really!!!!! how exactly does that work:suspect:


because management-employee relations should be a partnership where they both sides benefit from the wealth generated by the business.


not a master-slave relationship where the management get it all and the employees get next to nothing.


unions have a postitive part to play in this because they can collectively negotiate on behalf of their members

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Much rather be represented by a union than a scabby loan shark who donates millions to the tories, heads up a loan shark firm then advises the govt to remove worker rights. Kerching , more money for Beecroft. What a scabby cheapskate exploiter

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