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What are your top tips for keeping yourself safe while driving?

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Cont'd, in no particular order of importance this time.


Tip 5: do not brake when you are aquaplaning, oversteering or understeering

Tip 6: do not turn or brake sharply when you suffer a puncture (especially at speed, e.g. on M'way)

Tip 7: do not stick to the speed limit when you overtake (floor it, downshift if needed, to spend as little time as possible in the oncoming lane)

Tip 8: drive left, pass right - lane discipline, please

Tip 9: try to drive as if your car had no brakes (this helps in respect of Tip 3 above - good anticipation means adequate engine braking and speeds, and little need for prolonged braking, if any)

Tip 10: do not join motorways at 40, 50...or even 70 - join motorways at the speed of the traffic in the first lane (and 'slot in' without inconveniencing other drivers)

Tip 11: Thou shalt never cause other drivers around/about you to take evasive or remedial action of any sort (goes with Tip 10 above, besides others)




Tip 12, for 'fast drivers' (...like me :D): do not be the fastest car on the road or motorway, always let another "open the road" ;)


Tip 13 - goes with Tip 7 above: if the slower car suddenly floors it as you pursue your overtaking manoeuver, and circumstances prevent you from peeling back behind, indicate and pull gradually (but resolutely, per Tip 4) into it. A bent wing is better than a head-on with an artic (Murphy's law says it will be an artic...and experience says it's usually elderly Victor Meldrew-types who pull this nasty trick).

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1. avoid driving near any elderly gentlemen wearing pork pie hats and driving gloves.

2. never let a black cab or taxi out, they wont thank you for it and will then generally pull an illegal manoeuvre right in front of you shortly afterward.

3. steer clear of any woman sat with her face pressing on the steering wheel with the sunblind behind her head, and white knuckles. she is petrified and ready to crash at the first opportunity, probably into you. she will explode if she comes within 5 mph of the posted speed limit.

4. be wary of full laden cars carrying children, bicycles and camping kit. the husband and wife will be rowing and swerving from lane to lane, or sat at 55mph in the middle lane. as you go to overtake/undertake then they will decide to move over into you without looking.

5. avoid anyone who looks like a foreign student who is lost looking for the Uni. they will only be thinking about that and not watching traffic.

6. in car parks try and avoid parking anywhere near the entrance doors, the larger (fat) people love to park there and ding your doors as they struggle out of their car. this applies to all situations with parking/food areas.


there are more tips of course but these are the ones that assist keeping your car dent free generally :-)

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Apart from the obvious common sense precautions avoid road rage. If someone cuts in front of you or does something else stupid stay cool.

People in my neck of the woods get shot sometimes during road rage incidents. Dont assume ladies are not packing either. She could easily have a Glock or a Smith and Wesson tucked away in the glove compartment and be on her way home after bumping off her cheating ex husband whose late again with the alimony payments

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Tips i've found useful are

Drive a white van

Carry hammer on passenger seat instead of in the toolbox in the back

drive like you're always 15 minutes late

Make sure the van is in top working condition ie horn working

Indicate in the opposite direction you want to go to make sure all other traffic is paying full attention

and last but not least. Trollop pop ladies are 10 points.

Happy motoring all :)

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