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IMF Chief suggest we cut interest rates

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End the damn currency monopoly. The pound is worthless and the workers of society need a currency to trade. The workers of our society, the thing that society depends on for it to function, they need the ability to trade, they need the ability to work and receive but a small percent of the fruits of their labour.


They need an honest bob. It is not the £, it is not the $, it is not the €.


It has to have either intrinsic value (gold or silver coins), or at least some faith in it. People need to have the right to create their own currency and to trade it freely.


I trust an IOU from the local unemployed men FAR MORE than I do the BoE. Work for each other, work for free, tax free. Build your neighbour a shed, and have him build you one!


Abolish the anti stamp script laws.


We also need free-land.


End the land monopoly by imposing LVT. To use land, one must pay a tax unto the rest of society. This will ensure land is used productively. And not hoarded, left idle, claiming subsidy from tax upon the workers! Let people work the land for their own gain (and society as a whole), not for the private profit of idle landowners.


In but 3 months we can achieve full employment, all citizens and even foreign residents can be housed in conditions that provide dignity (within a few years), we can develop healthy housing for future immigrants, and even for tourists. And at the same time, we can increase our food production.

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We are but slaves to the usurers (banking cartels).


We are but slaves to the landowners (people owning land without working or occupying it and collecting economic rent - that rent should be communal - the land should belong to the people).

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The bankers are borrowing at 0.5% and lending at substantially more. They then pocket the difference and make large profits at the expense of people who bailed them out with their hard earned pay. They use the money to give themselves massive bonuses for what in effect is nothing more than extortion.

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Interest rates are set at 0.5% for one reason only - so the banks can deleverage. They have so many bad debts that they couldn't possibly pay them off with their normal operating profits. That is why the central banks are sticking with low interest rates.


Of course Mervyn King and his cronies argue that what they are doing is trying to revitalise the economy by ensuring that there is a cheap money supply available, when in effect all they are doing is providing cheap money for banks to pay off bad debts, as very little or none of the money is filtered into the real economy.


When Lagarde suggests cutting interest rates what she really means is she thinks another round of QE is inevitable. More free money for the banks.


Indeed. We can go to 0.25% interest rates. Like you said the QE bit is the most important bit.

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It seems the BoE set the rates and everyone else ignores it and sets theirs at whatever they like.

No. The BoE rate is merely a reference point against which financial institutions can set their own rates (e.g. "base rate + four percentage points" or whatever).

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We are but slaves to the usurers (banking cartels).


We are but slaves to the landowners (people owning land without working or occupying it and collecting economic rent - that rent should be communal - the land should belong to the people).


Why do you consider yourself a slave, are you not free to choose your own path in life.

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Cut interest so we can buy more goods from overseas, how is that going to solve the UK economic problems? We need to manufacture and export but since other countries largely set the cost of living in the UK, that's unlikely to happen anytime soon.

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