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Why Cant The Ringleader Of The Gang Abusing Young Girls Be Named?

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How can the scumbag leader of the abuse gang just prosecuted have any rights whatsoever,he can,t be named because of legal reasons.Its like a sick joke what about the young girls rights mind you according to the gang members they were only third class citizens!.Our country has become the dumping ground for every form of lowlife in Europe and beyond its so depressing where will it all end its beyond me!.:confused::help::roll:

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Its a tricky one for me, often my first instinct is that we should know the name of the person convicted, but then another part of me is mindful of the immediate family of someone that has commited the heinous crime and the consequences they often face from moronic vigilantes.

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How can the scumbag leader of the abuse gang just prosecuted have any rights whatsoever,he can,t be named because of legal reasons.Its like a sick joke what about the young girls rights mind you according to the gang members they were only third class citizens!.Our country has become the dumping ground for every form of lowlife in Europe and beyond its so depressing where will it all end its beyond me!.:confused::help::roll:

He may have turned supergrass which means he will get immunity from prosecution ,a new identity,a new house,1 million pound resettlement allowance and a free bus pass for the bus that goes past the local school.

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What do you want to know the name for?


As above, it's not all about protecting the scumbag, but moreso protecting their family from idiots who will try to get some kind of vigilante justice regardless of whether family members were involved or not.

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Maybe he's also involved in other cases as a witness or accomplice and his identity can't be revealed yet?


Yeah, and if he was "named and shamed" on here the Mods would have a fit.

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Its a tricky one for me, often my first instinct is that we should know the name of the person convicted, but then another part of me is mindful of the immediate family of someone that has commited the heinous crime and the consequences they often face from moronic vigilantes.



And perhaps revealing who he is would somehow make it obvious who the victims were?

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And perhaps revealing who he is would somehow make it obvious who the victims were?


Yep, there are many reasons, but people don't think about this kind of thing, they just demand that people get named and shamed without a thought for who might get hurt along the way.

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I was thinking about the theory that it all happened by chance and was not racially motivated...


Now, what are the odds on 7 paedos working at the same place?


Its reckoned that 10% of Catholic priests have been involved in some sort of abuse. I don't think we should use that figure though. Catholic priests are the "daddies" of perving...


Lets say 5% of the male population is a paedo, Making it 20 to 1 that the person at your work next to you would be a paedo.. I know that's far too high but we'll use that for the calculation.


There were 7 men involved...


7x20x7x20x7x20x7x20x7x20x7x20x7x20= 128,000,000 to 1 are the odds on this happening by chance...

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