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Unfriending People On Facebook..

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I used to just hide them, you know those who post stuff like, FRIDAY MEANS BEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.........


Its more the people who put stuff like 'i love my boyfriend sooooooooooooo much' that annoy me. Why don't they just tell him then? :huh:

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Its uni students that tend to have the ridiculously big freinds lists, one lass I know has over 800 on her list!!


Indeed, it should probably be changed from a 'friends list' to a 'people who I have met at least once or who's name I have seen on Facebook list'.

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i unfriended a girl i used to work with because of her racist comments on Facebook..

I told her how disgusted i was with her before i unfriended her.

She wasnt happy

Since then she has tried to re add me 3 or 4 times, you would think she would get the hint i dont want to talk to her.

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It can be a bit embarrassing when you defriend someone and they try and add you again shortly afterwards. The unsubscribe feature is great for not having to read the "I love my boyfriend" or "I've just had an apple" crap!

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It can be a bit embarrassing when you defriend someone and they try and add you again shortly afterwards. The unsubscribe feature is great for not having to read the "I love my boyfriend" or "I've just had an apple" crap!


What irritates me is when I log on and see that I have a notification waiting for me that turns out to just be some sadsack sending a request on Superball or some other stupid bloody game they're playing!

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I got rid of about 20 recently, they were either people who weren't very active on there or people who I was fed up of hearing about. I don't like status's going on about people's illnesses and personal problems.


I got fed up of one friend going on about not sleeping, her depression, her visits to the hospital or doctor, she's off my list. Got another one on the verge of being deleted, she's a "oh well, better get the ironing done" or "chicken and chips for tea hmmmmm" kind of person.

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There are people who post about 200 statuses while they are on a night out stating how much of a good time they are having. :huh:


I know, or they're at a festival yet feel the need to harp on about how great it is rather than just enjoying the festival!! I think often it's used as a way to rub other peoples noses in it. I've recently come off FB as I was wasting too much time ar$ing about and reading about peoples lives I don't even care about!!

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I have once or twice but it's only with acquaintances. Although someone I thought was a friend defriended me, turns out people in their mid-30s behave just like teenagers when they're on facebook ;)

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