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Unfriending People On Facebook..

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I agree. Although with 8000 posts between us on some forum I can't help but think we may be slight hypocrites. :hihi:


It all depends on what you do with your time here. Do you mostly;

A) Take part in topical discussion ?


B) Whinge and gossip ?



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On one occasion I unfriended someone because she was just constantly talking about herself and not speaking as much as we used to because she had made friends with some mutual friends she had fallen out with, and I felt as if I was dropped like a hot coal. I did it in a huff TBH, and we spoke, and became 'friends' again. But she got REALLY worked up (during the 'row'), that my friend (who was her fb friend and she had met a couple of times but they don't talk otherwise), had deleted her. She actually deleted her months before, simply as she doesn't really know or like the woman, but she only noticed when I unfriended her. Which proved my friends point that it was pointless having her on fb in the first place. I explained she had removed her months previously but she just wouldn't accept it was that she was removed as they didn't 'talk' on there, comment on each other's stuff etc. She was also part of a 'cull' and not a single unfriending. I couldn't understand why she was SO worked up about it.


More recently, I discovered that some women on a 'closed' fb group I was part of (formed form an online forum for mums who had babies during the same month), were bitching about me in their group after I left. I left the group months ago because I didn't really talk on there. I also removed a lot of the women as part of a cull. I left the ones I did speak to now and again (on fb), and some I missed. This was 5 months ago.


I was told by one of the women still on my fb, and who was part of the group still, that one of the ladies I removed had only just noticed it seems (!), and started a thread bitching about me. I then put a status up on my fb, and found out that two of the women still on my fb were involved in this post bitching about me! I tagged them both in my status. One of them replied but got shot down as the things she was saying and suggesting were totally random and after getting shot down in flames at her vile outburst, she unfriended and later blocked me. Another didn't even reply, she unfriended me too.


I didn't get it at all- nothing had provoked this thread other than me removing a lot of them months ago, along with myself from the group. Then all of a sudden these vile women are slating me behind my back, even ones who I had kept as I spoke to them/commented on stuff.


I can also think of numerous arguements in regards to people unfriending other people.


Sometimes I wish fb didn't exist. Damn it being so addictive!

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I have about 260 that consists of old school friends, old work colleagues, present work colleagues, Sheffield forum peeps, personal friends and family. I don't add friends of friends unless I have met them in person and I don't add anyone I don't know. I've only un-friended one person and that was because her status's were repetitive and annoying in a sense she was always having a bad day.

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I don't think I've unfriended that many, ones I can think of just filled my wall with me me ego me comments.


I only generally have old school friends, old work colleagues, friends, family and people I'd genuinely be happy to go for a cuppa with.

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if someone vanishes from my list they tend to fit the list below:


1 - they have their wall blocked so no point being friends if I am unable to post on their wall


2 - they post crap on my wall and leads to insults, I used to delete the posts, but why should I, so now they get deleted.


3 - we no longer communicate so they go, I am not a friends whore to see how many numbers I can get.


I have a cull every so often and one is coming this month on another clear out.


I do have a few people`s comments "unsubscribed", I feel they will be the ones to go next.

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Maybe they deleted you because you are the type of irritating person that people have been posting about in this thread?


Was there really any need for that? Got to love keyboard warriors. :rolleyes:

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Was there really any need for that? Got to love keyboard warriors. :rolleyes:


Eh? It was a simple question. Chances are some of the people being talked about in this thread have also posted in it, why can't that person be you? People do delete you afterall...

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If you log on and read Someones face page you're not of friend of can they tell you're reading it .? I don't do FB but I do have a log on number.



I have been wondering that, because I often have a nosey at someone who I have fallen out with. Would hate him/her to know I was interested in them.


I very rarely post anything, just have a good nosey about what other people are doing.

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