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Unfriending People On Facebook..

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I have been wondering that, because I often have a nosey at someone who I have fallen out with. Would hate him/her to know I was interested in them.


I very rarely post anything, just have a good nosey about what other people are doing.


I didn't understand what she wrote. Was she asking if someone can tell if you have looked at their page? If so, no they can't tell. There are lots of 'apps' that claim they can find out for you, but they are all lies.

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I've de-friended quite a few. Usually people who are not particularly close who I only accepted in the first place to have a quick nosy, then got rid of in the next clear out. What bugs me (about me) is that when somebody deletes me I can never remember who they are!

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I've de-friended quite a few. Usually people who are not particularly close who I only accepted in the first place to have a quick nosy, then got rid of in the next clear out. What bugs me (about me) is that when somebody deletes me I can never remember who they are!


Amazing how many faces you forget until they reappear. Welcome back.

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Indeed, it should probably be changed from a 'friends list' to a 'people who I have met at least once or who's name I have seen on Facebook list'.

This is why Google+ is the superior product.

Circles/groups are waywaywayway easier to manage then the ones on FB. You also dont have to see anything as you can mute a post as well. Winner.


If you log on and read Someones face page you're not of friend of can they tell you're reading it .? I don't do FB but I do have a log on number.


You dont have a logon number on facebook.

You cant tell who has been viewing your profile. Or just be like me and make yourself unsearchable and keep all posts/pictures private so none friends cant even know what your up to.

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