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What your mother told you

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Do you wanna smack?


Just wait till your father gets home!


Don't eat off your knife!


Leave some pattern on that plate!



Do you wanna smack? Shortly followed by...has tha had enough?:hihi: Er no mum..my nose is broke,but can i have some more please.:D

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What's for tea mum? A run round t'table and a kick at t'pantry door:hihi::hihi:


crikey, you were upmarket in your house weren't you?


In our house it was "A run round't table and a kick at the cellar door". Much less tasty! lol

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crikey, you were upmarket in your house weren't you?


In our house it was "A run round't table and a kick at the cellar door". Much less tasty! lol


Your more up market than we were PT, it would be s**t with sugar on and a run round table.


apologies for masked swearing

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If tha dunt eat that,there's nowt else.


'Mum,will you make me a sandwich?' sighs.. then she says..'al peg thee a rug.'


Mother in law's comment wasn't about pegging rugs, it was

"... and I'll shove a broom up my bum so I can sweep as I go, an'all"


oh, and if we were dawdling about something, she'd sigh and say "And this won't get the baby a new bonnet, will it...?"

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