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What your mother told you

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I miss my mum :)


It's 30 years this month, since my mum had the brain haemorrhage that took her from us. I still find myself thinking "Oh, she'd have howled laughing at that..." or "She'd have loved that!" *SNIFF*


On a less maudlin' note, she had a saying for practically everything.




"Mum I want a drink"

"Get some water then, there's plenty in't tap!"

"I don't want water, I want pop."

"You'll get water. Water's what makes the lions roar!"


or "If you fall off that wall, and break both yer legs, don't come runnin' to me!"


what about "Shurrup roo'erin, else I shall gi thee summat t' roo-ar for!"


"Shurrup moanin', it hasn't knocked a fly off yer!" (if we were wailing, when we were tots after we had had a bump)


And my mother's off-centre logic was best summed up here:-


"Can I have a sweet, Mum?"

"No, them that ask, don't get!"

Well, what about them that don't ask?"

"Ah, them that don't ask, don't want!" :hihi:

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I miss my mum :)


It's sad, but a fact that when they are gone we will miss them, mine is 85 deaf as a post but, she's me mum, I'm lucky to still have her.


Despite all the things she says to you remember whether you are male or female, she's the BEST friend you'll ever have.


In our family if kids used to say what's for tea mum, our lass always said "what you can catch", still says it to grandkids :):)

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My mother was always saying your best friend is your mother




keep your own counsel


don't wash your dirty linen in public


don't let your family down to anyone


When i was growing up (long ago) I used to get the dolls on (face) with me mum bless her for playing hell with me, I could never understand why, THEN I had kids & it all became clear why she did it :hihi:

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