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Girl who joked about having bombs in her bag

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Does anyone else feel sickened by the news about the 21 year old girl who was arrested recently for making a joke about having bombs in her aeroplane luggage?


In my opinion, if the Americans decide to throw the book at her she deserves everything she gets, carrying bombs is NOT something you joke about, especially in this day and age with the Americans constantly getting their knickers in a twist over every little security issue no matter how significant or otherwise it is.



Anyone else have thoughts on this?

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Yeah my thoughts are that the Yanks are absolutely ****ing pathetic. It was a joke, everyone involved knows it was a joke - quite how the hell they can arrest her and keep her locked up for a few days is disgraceful. I've been with people who have said similar things while going through customs, usually you get a laugh and move on but no the Yanks have to lock you up and charge some ridiculous bail to get you back out. It's about time America got itself a sense of humour.

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I agree with the americans. Make an example out of her.

If some person joked about having not just one bomb but 3 bombs like she did. Repeatedly. On a flight I was due to board and the staff laughed it off.... I'd go ape.


NO, I'm sorry even I know not to joke about that sort of stuff and I'm the kind of person who would do that.


She deserves to know what she did was totally unacceptable.

No - she shouldn't get 15 yrs (like it says she is looking at on the news) but I think what she's had so far is enough.

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

I agree with the americans. Make an example out of her.

If some person joked about having not just one bomb but 3 bombs like she did.


I could not agree more - she is very wrong. Although yes I think 15 years is harsh.

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Yeah Right! Bombs are really funny, especially on planes where there's no escape. I t would scare the life out of me. Our personal security and safety is no joke. We all have the right to feel safe and these silly attention seeking pranksters take that away from us. There's a time and place for jokes.

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According to the arrest report, Miss Marson placed her bag on the belt at a security check, telling a Transportation Security Administration screener: "Hey be careful, I have three bombs in here" - before allegedly repeating the joke twice more when confronted by officials - more


It's not like she casually said it once as a joke - according to the report she said it multiple times. Doesn't this strike you as slightly worrying about her personality? In the same story it says "Her father said she was childish and not very worldly".

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Originally posted by Geoff

It's not like she casually said it once as a joke - according to the report she said it multiple times. Doesn't this strike you as slightly worrying about her personality? In the same story it says "Her father said she was childish and not very worldly".


Diabolical.... regardless of what, where or how she said it - it was WRONG !! Bombs are NOT a joke and I agree with Geoff it is very worrying.


From what we see & read bombs can be very easily concealed and also small - who knows where the hell she could have hidden then if she was serious. To be honest I'm not paranoid but I do take these things seriously - after events of the past few years I dont think our safety is something to be joked about.

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Originally posted by Geoff

It's not like she casually said it once as a joke - according to the report she said it multiple times. Doesn't this strike you as slightly worrying about her personality?


First rule of comedy - if people don't laugh at your joke first time then shut up. It isn't going to get any funnier repeating it a second or third time - in fact it will become significantly less funny so let it go and stop digging. She kept digging and will now have to pay a price to get out of the idiotic hole she dug.

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