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Girl who joked about having bombs in her bag

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Originally posted by Zamo

What she did was a bit like people who make false 999 calls. It takes resources away from where they are needed and can therefore put people in increased danger.

I don't think so. From the sounds of things, it was obvious she was a naive young girl trying to be funny, not an actual threat to the plane.

Originally posted by Zamo

Perhaps that bloke with the bullets slipped through whilst they were interviewing her?!?!?!;)

Which to me goes to show how ludicrous this whole thing is. If an actual terrorist did get on the plane because the security staff were busy trying to make an example of some dumb student, that would be pretty scandalous. Their resources should be put towards trying to stop people blowing up planes, not telling offensive jokes.

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Originally posted by Geoff

She's 21 and has therefore been an 'adult' for 3 years already! But yes, I agree that she has probably now suffered enough. The best punishment would be for her to go and visit the survivors of terrorist attacks and help them out - i.e. community service.


Ah, my mistake, I thought that she much younger. That does put a slightly different perspective on it.


She really ought to have known better at that age.


Had she been drinking does anyone know?

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Originally posted by Sam Miguel

Ah, my mistake, I thought that she much younger. That does put a slightly different perspective on it.


She really ought to have known better at that age.


Had she been drinking does anyone know?

No, I don't think she even have the decency to be p*ssed.


Travelling on a British passport and not lagged for the flight home?!? This unforgivable break with the traditions of British aviation travel deserves the hardest of punishments itself! :mad:

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I just heard that this girl has been signed up by both Max Clifford (to cover her PR) and also by Simon Cowell who has announced she will shortly be releasing a cover of Shaggy's "It wasn't me".


I know not if this is true.



PS. I can't believe it's Thursday - this thread has a certain Friday afternoon feel to it!

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Well for the majority of bored office workers, the weekend starts after lunch on a Friday. The remaining part of the day is spent reading those forwarded jokes you always get, posting stupid/funny posts on forums like this one and generally counting down the hours until you can get home for the weekend.

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Originally posted by jackthedog

I agree with fnkysknky


I'm obviously not as paranoid as everybody else.

It seems like everybody has jumped on the hysterior bandwagon here.


Bags get searched, x-rayed etc. No bombs will get through in suitcases, i'm sure.

I'm suprised anyone outside America would be so stupid as to be worried by this (albeit bad taste) joke. I can see why airport security are offended by it, but they were surely never worried. She's just been punished for offending people. That's all. And it's ridiculous.


Fifteen years - acceptable for this type of thing is it? You gotta be kidding me.


She's now known throughout the world (and rightly so) for being a pillock. That, together with her bail money and her time spent locked up so far, is suffice.


No I'm afraid she will get what she deserves.


This law (which is also a law here) was around long before 9/11 like it said she repeated herself twice.


As for bombs will get picked up in x-rays security scans etc, what about the bloke the other day who brought bullets in his baggage it was us brits who stopped him. And he was on the route that at the same time was ful of security alerts with cancelled/delayed planes, although he didn't travel BA it was a Virgin flight.


As mentioned bombs can be very small look at the shoe bomber. You can not joke about things like this, they are not jokes. What if she had psycratic problems really did have bombs in there booby trapped to go off if the bag was opened, so saying (like somene has) that they would check her hand luggage and see she was lying is silly. What may have happened was the airport evacuted whilr they waited for the bomb squad. Lots of people in that airport would be saying 15 years for a sentance.



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Originally posted by jubby

What if she had psycratic problems really did have bombs in there booby trapped to go off if the bag was opened, so saying (like somene has) that they would check her hand luggage and see she was lying is silly.


That's why they use x-ray machines.

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What good would it do to lock the girl away for 15 years?


Absolutely none. It's way over the top.


Don't you think that she will have got the message by now? I reckon so. I think the fact that she was arrested and locked up in the first place will have made a lot of people think.

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