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How can the european court decide a blanket ban on prison voting is illegal

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What about political prisoners? A government could lock up a lot of opposition party voters before an election...


Anyway, all prisoners should have the vote, it's a human right, they're still humans. They have to deal with the government all day every day, the government controls prisoners lives while they're in prison.


If you take too many of prisoners rights & punish them too much then there's no chance of rehabilitation, they'll just continue to be criminals for the rest of their lives & keep re-offending. We need to teach them some self respect, that includes giving them rights & letting them feel like they have some control over their lives.

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Lags should not be allowed to vote. If allowed they will just vote Labour.


Duh, I'll quote my previous post just for you.


Having established, on another thread, that most incarcerated criminals are below average intelligence and that most stupid people are conservatives (according to John Stuart Mill) you can understand why Cameron and his party would be receptive to this proposal.
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If prisoners are allowed a vote, then what constituency will their vote be in?


I imagine the MPs for the Isle of Wight are worried by this.


Presumably they would vote in the constituency in which they were present on polling day. - As do servicemen.

Dick Taverne (the sitting Labour MP in Lincoln) when the rule was made.:hihi:


'The Queen in Parliament' is the sovereign Lawmaker and if the British Parliament decides to wave two fingers to the ECHR judgement it may do so.


Cameron has put himself in a corner. Should he reverse course, and should Milli Young UN offer (and promise - not that his promises would be worth a lot) a referendum on EU membership, the Cameron might find himself in a hole.


I can't see that happening. It would beggar belief!

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