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Vile animal cruelty. Why?


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Every morning this week I've opened up the newspapers to see yet another picture of some poor animal discarded by someone over Christmas. Puppies found in plastic bags. Cats dumped outside animal shelters. Abandoned baby bunnies crawling along main roads.


Just reading these stories makes me feel sick, and so so angry. How could anyone be so heartless as to chuck an animal out, especially in these temperatures?


And that's just the unwanted ones. Barely a day goes by where we don't hear of some disgusting story of deliberate cruelty - mindless and cowardly bullies hurting defenceless creatures for pleasure. My friend has a theory that these people, often youngsters, will eventually tire of hurting animals and move onto humans. The pheadophiles of the future? It must certainly take a very disturbed mentality to attatch a firework to a kitten or microwave a rabbit.


I just can't understand these people, but it's one of the very few subjects that makes me feel so angry that I could happily inflict pain on the perpatrators. Why why why are people so cruel to animals? And what on earth can be done to stop it?


This is a big and diverse forum, so there must be some people on here who don't like animals. I'd like to hear their views too.

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Christmas is also the time of year when most charities, large and small, begin their annual marketing push for donations. Press releases are issued, adverts are placed and people generally are informed of the existence of the charities and the type of work each needs funding to perform.

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Because some people are the scum of the earth. Forgive me, but I can't even read the details of your post, as I find it too upsetting.


It's a fact that cruelty to animals - particularly by children - is one of the classic signs of psychopathy. As such, anyone who exhibits any sign of being cruel to animals should be put up against a wall and shot, thus removing these pondlife from the gene pool.


Harsh but effective. I'd volunteer to pull the trigger.

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Originally posted by ppn_2204

Because some people are the scum of the earth. Forgive me, but I can't even read the details of your post, as I find it too upsetting.


It's a fact that cruelty to animals - particularly by children - is one of the classic signs of psychopathy. As such, anyone who exhibits any sign of being cruel to animals should be put up against a wall and shot, thus removing these pondlife from the gene pool.


Harsh but effective. I'd volunteer to pull the trigger.


completely agree!!!

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Originally posted by cgksheff

Loving it!!!:D

I see what you did there. You compared my rhetorical statement to an actual example of potential impending psychopathy. Very well done.


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Originally posted by Journeyman

Christmas is also the time of year when most charities, large and small, begin their annual marketing push for donations. Press releases are issued, adverts are placed and people generally are informed of the existence of the charities and the type of work each needs funding to perform.




Just because it's the time of year when we're made aware of it (largely because newspapers like 'money shots' of cute rescued animals to fill the pages in the quiet post-Christmas lull) doesn't make it any less disgusting.

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It is very disgusting. I hate any type of cruelty to animals, whatever the time of the year, or wherever it is.


My brother was living in Kos last year and we went to see him and he'd rescued 2 little dogs, one of them - he'd seen a mum dog with a litter of puppies and he'd stopped to try and help them but they ran off but the next morning we opened his door to find a little hungry puppy sat outside, waiting for him awwww.


And then I can't remember how he said he found the other one but he looked after the 2 dogs until he had to come home and then he found them good new homes.


A greek guy who lived there explained that the people who lived there were not a big fan of dogs and cats, and at the end of the season whe all the tourists go home, they put steaks with poison down to kill them, so they don't have to carry on feeding them.


I was heartbroken when I heard this and I can't imagine how anybody could be so cruel to an innocent little animal.

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