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Vile animal cruelty. Why?


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Originally posted by taxman

It's this sort of behaviour that makes me believe that some people are intrinsically "bad" or dare I say "evil" and beyond redemption.


There must be something lacking in both mind and spirit to torture a puppy.

'Evil' is a debatable term, but there is growing evidence to suggest that psychopaths do indeed have brain abnormalities which manifest as a delight in cruelty and complete lack of conscience.


Whether these brain abnormalities are genetic, and so present at birth, or whether they are the effect of abuse (physical or psychological) in very early life isn't known (at least I don't think it's known; my knowledge isn't completely up to date).


Back to the original topic. I can't even begin to comprehend how people can behave in such a way. It's utterly beyond my definition of what is normal. I'd be seriously worried about any child in particular who exhibited any tendancy to be cruel to animals in the ways described in the posts above.

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Originally posted by ppn_2204

Is it? How so?


simply that i've never heard it before. A question can be rhetorical, ie requiring no answer and said specifically to make a point. But since statements by nature are not questions, they would seem to be rhetorical by nature.


rhe·tor·i·cal ( P ) Pronunciation Key (r-tôr-kl, -tr-)


Of or relating to rhetoric.

Characterized by overelaborate or bombastic rhetoric.

Used for persuasive effect: a speech punctuated by rhetorical pauses


maybe you meant that you didn't really want to shoot those people? Or maybe you're a borderline psycotic yourself like the people you despise who hurt animals?

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Originally posted by Cyclone

simply that i've never heard it before. A question can be rhetorical, ie requiring no answer and said specifically to make a point. But since statements by nature are not questions, they would seem to be rhetorical by nature.




maybe you meant that you didn't really want to shoot those people? Or maybe you're a borderline psycotic yourself like the people you despise who hurt animals?


Er, can we not turn my serious thread into a stupid petty slagging match please?


Don't be deliberately antagonistic Cyclone. ppn has simply been expressing views against animal cruelty like others on this thread - which I don't think warrents him/her being accused of being 'borderline psychotic'.


Can you stick to the topic? If you're looking for an arguement this morning, go and do it elsewhere.

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Originally posted by Cyclone

simply that i've never heard it before.

Really? You surprise me. I would have thought that, as you appear to be a fellow pedant, you'd be more familiar with the use of language.


Originally posted by Cyclone

A question can be rhetorical, ie requiring no answer and said specifically to make a point. But since statements by nature are not questions, they would seem to be rhetorical by nature.

Unfortunately, for some reason I appear not to be able to quote your definition, but I find nothing there to suggest that rhetoric relates only to questions.


Originally posted by Cyclone

maybe you meant that you didn't really want to shoot those people? Or maybe you're a borderline psycotic yourself like the people you despise who hurt animals?

No, I actually meant that I really wanted to shoot those people and, oh yes, I really am a borderline psychotic. :rolleyes:, Thank you for the added clarity, though. I'm sure the hard of understanding really appreciate it.


Any chance you'd like to contribute to the debate about animal cruelty now?

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Originally posted by JBee

...you stick to the topic? If you're looking for an arguement this morning, go and do it elsewhere.

Sorry, JBee, I posted my response to Cyclone before I saw your reply. I'm afraid I had to resond, though, to an accusation of borderline psychopathy!

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obviously animal cruelty is sickening and disgusting. It'll be a short thread though as you're not likely to get anyone disagreeing I hope.


I'm afraid that I don't think shooting the people who are cruel to animals is the way forwards though, nor is it particularly amusing although I suppose in a crude way it gets across your dislike of those people.

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