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Vile animal cruelty. Why?


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Originally posted by JBee

Small furries are some of the worst treated domestic animals, and they often lead truly miserable lives.


When I was five my parents bought me a rabbit, to go in the cage in the back garden. I was probably more attentive than most kids - I cleaned it out and stuff, but I still shudder when I think back to what a lonely, boring life it must have led. It makes me feel quite sick, and I often berate my mum about it, even now. Having a pet in the family can do children the world of good, but not stuck in a cage at the bottom of the garden.


Now I have another bunny, a house bunny, and she has the happiest life - she's totally free range and litter trained, she gets loads of attention and companionship, the free run of my flat, ect ect. But ever since I've had her I've found myself feeling really guilty about that rabbit I had as a kid.


The rabbit I have now is so inquisitive, expressive, and playful, with such a unique character, that it makes me realise just how cruel it was to leave a rabbit locked up in a tiny hutch.


I wish more people would realise this. :(


So you now feel "sick", "really guilty" and "cruel" about how you treated this rabbit as a child. What retrospective punishment do you think you deserve for your cruelty to this rabbit? How about being confined inside a hutch until you die? Seems a suitable idea, based on your own notions of an eye for an eye.


Or should you just be shot? You could always pull your own trigger though - shouldn't pose a problem for you, as you've already offered to shoot others for animal cruelty.


Originally posted by JBee

Perhaps if we all learned more respect for ALL living things, including the more 'insignificant' ones, there would be less cruelty in this world, full stop. If a kid takes pleasure in pullnig the legs of a spider, then when it grows into a teenager it might start taking pleasure in hanging puppies. And then when it becomes an adult.... wife beater? kiddie fiddler? Who knows...


What do kids who commit cruelty to rabbits grow into? Please do tell us.

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Originally posted by nigsmig

hi, maybe if we killed all humans we could end all cruelty to every species on the planet. a small price i'm sure you'll agree. it would also slow down global warming a bit.


yeah, cause I heard that real life in the wild is just like a disney film (except without the obligatory bad animal), all the little fluffy animals live in peace and harmony and they all eat vegetables.

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We have 2 cats..one, a rescue cat from a good home and a loving owner..the other was rescued by us in a semi-feral state.


We are presently now trying to find the owner of another cat which has spent several weeks out in the cold,freezing condition...and because of it's situation recently is carefully guarding all the food put out, seperately for them all.


What kind of people keep such animals... the mind boggles.


Yet some of these people are allowed to procreate children and pass on their neanderthal training to them.


Sorry, I am revving at the moment. I would have the neanderthals put down, and keep the CATS.

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Careful, shoeshine, someone will accuse you of being a borderline psychotic ;) .


My cats (I now have two; Merlin and a newly-adopted stray called Jesse) have more intelligence in one claw than some of these pondlife.


My rhetorical response would be to strap a few prime cuts of meat to them and chuck the animal abusers into the big cats' enclosure at a wildlife park.

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Originally posted by Cyclone

so you're against animal cruelty, but you're quite happy to lower yourself to their level and be cruel to people


I have to agree with your point. It appears to be the way the world is heading at the moment.


Yes, I've read reports on how some psychopaths used to torture animals when they were younger, but then I've also noticed how some people who claim to be upset at the suffering inflicted on a single animal will fully support the invasion of a third-world country, despite the huge number of civilian deaths and casualties that will arise :|


What is wrong with the world these days?

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Look, everyone we ALL live in a very f***ed up world, and it's not nice for anyone or anything out there living at the moment.


Everyone kills everyone and everything kills eveything else.


I am really against animal cruelty, I hate it it makes me very, very upset. Like everyone else in this forum I would very gladley kill the people who do this to any animal on this earth. How on earth would they like to be fried or put into the washing machine and wait for you to die while you rip all your fingers off trying to get out (that's what I read last week in the Star, a Sheffield woman put a young kitten in the washing machine on a hot spin, the kitten took 10 minutes to die and the RSPCA inspector said the kittens claws were all ripped out trying to excape) and she boasted about this to her friend (SICK B***H) how I would love to do that to the people out there who do this and more.

But like I said we live in a very f***ed up world, it's very sad we have to live like this ;-(

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it seems to me its the "pet lovers" who are the real psychopaths!

what kind of weirdo keeps a rabbit in the house!

and isnt it equally as sick to force an animal to be dependant on you inorder to alleviate your own sense of loneliness?

what could be more hypocritical than a so called "animal lover" opening a can of "meat" to feed their useless misguided love object!

i am in no way advocating that animal cruelty is right but to suggest that anyone found guilty of it is executed in some brutal way is utterly ridiculous and quite disturbing.

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Originally posted by pretty_polly

Like everyone else in this forum I would very gladley kill the people who do this to any animal on this earth.


I thought i'd made it clear that I for one don't feel like that.

Prosecute them, lock them up for a long time, yes, but lower myself to their level, no.

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Originally posted by misterseven

...and isnt it equally as sick to force an animal to be dependant on you inorder to alleviate your own sense of loneliness?...

You are, of course, aware that this is absolute nonsense? I presume that you are also aware of the concept of domesticated animals? Cats? Dogs? Ringing in bells yet? I presume you aren't advocating that these animals (which are, incidentally, dependent upon humans by definition) should be released from the shackles of their tyranical domestication and be allowed to roam free?

Originally posted by misterseven

...what could be more hypocritical than a so called "animal lover" opening a can of "meat" to feed their useless misguided love object!

Ok... I'll feed my cats veggies then. Oh, actually no I won't because - surprisingly enough - cats eat meat and can't live without it.

Originally posted by misterseven

...i am in no way advocating that animal cruelty is right but to suggest that anyone found guilty of it is executed in some brutal way is utterly ridiculous and quite disturbing.

I agree actually. It's quite satisfying to imagine some like-for-like karma existing for such inbred scum, but in the real world we're stuck with fines and chucking them into jail. I do think though that the legal system is ridiculously lenient on such sorry excuses for human beings.

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