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Vile animal cruelty. Why?


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Originally posted by Abdul

...I've also noticed how some people who claim to be upset at the suffering inflicted on a single animal will fully support the invasion of a third-world country, despite the huge number of civilian deaths and casualties that will arise :|...

A bit of a leap, don't you think? I'm sure that there are individaul examples of animal lovers who support [insert name of chosen military invasion/occupation], just as I'm sure that there are an equal number of animal lovers who don't support such actions.


The two individual viewpoints aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.

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"and isnt it equally as sick to force an animal to be dependant on you inorder to alleviate your own sense of loneliness?..."


"You are, of course, aware that this is absolute nonsense? I presume that you are also aware of the concept of domesticated animals? Cats? Dogs? Ringing in bells yet? I presume you aren't advocating that these animals (which are, incidentally, dependent upon humans by definition) should be released from the shackles of their tyranical domestication and be allowed to roam free?"



and what were domesticated animals before they were domesticated?

before humans were around?

we didnt "grow" cats and dogs for our own use?

i know we started using dogs for hunting back in the day :P


and they are not dependent on humans really, both dogs and cats are great hunters/scavengers, they just use us for an easy lunch :)

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Originally posted by melthebell

and what were domesticated animals before they were domesticated?

before humans were around?

we didnt "grow" cats and dogs for our own use?

i know we started using dogs for hunting back in the day :P

Well, if you really want to discuss evolution and the process of animal domestication, I can oblige, but I suggest that you open a different thread ;) .

Originally posted by melthebell

and they are not dependent on humans really, both dogs and cats are great hunters/scavengers, they just use us for an easy lunch :)

I agree, cats are great hunters and, left to their own devices, they will catch birds and mice. However, I don't think you can argue that cats are not domesticated creatures. The domestic cat is a separate species - Felis catus - distinct from the non-domestic species in the cat genus.

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as a species cats and dogs would get on fine without us, but in the most part domesticated animals lack the skills they need to survive in the wild.

And in any case, 'the wild' isn't some fairy book romantic place to be. Pets live a life of comfort and luxury (except when abused) when compared to the same animal living wild.

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People lack compassion.

I dont mean to shock or upset anyone but if you take a look at this pic: you will see exacally what i mean... how could anyone with a little compassion do this.... i know its a little extreme but it is Vile animal cruelty.... at its worst!

If you are easily offended or upset.... skip the pic:


(EDIT:)Pic Removed: "Posting graphic images might get this thread shut down or removed. I'd sooner keep it open and have the debate than have the choice of viewing such images from a direct link from the forum" ppn_2204)

point taken. ppn_2204....

Discussion is better than silence.

There is more to animal cruelty that what Rolf Harris shows you on the tv.... its not just animal hospital

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Who is the wild animal... the lion that kills to eat to survive.. or the man on a horse with a pack of dogs... killing for sport?


Is mankind the greatest beast to walk this planet...? or are the so called simple animals of this planet the ones who really have the balance of life worked out?


Time has come for change... we are not in the "Yesteryears" where these things had to be done, because there was no other way...animal cruelty is wrong in everyway.


What animal is killing the very Planet we live on?


Laws need to be changed to help stop animal cruelty... if i killed a man i get sent to jail.... kill my pet dog i get a fine and banned at the worst... pathetic.

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Originally posted by madowl

Who is the wild animal... the lion that kills to eat to survive.. or the man on a horse with a pack of dogs... killing for sport?

Well, the lion is certainly the wild animal. I'd class fox hunters with the same pondlife as those who abuse their pets.

Originally posted by madowl

Is mankind the greatest beast to walk this planet...? or are the so called simple animals of this planet the ones who really have the balance of life worked out?

Depends on your definition of great. It's a bit anthropomorphic to suggest that animals have got anything 'worked out'. They just do what they do. There's evidence for behaviour which might be called bullying in certain other primates (and, I think, dolphins), but I don't think any other species has refined cruelty to the art form that humans have.

Originally posted by madowl

Time has come for change... we are not in the "Yesteryears" where these things had to be done, because there was no other way...animal cruelty is wrong in everyway.


What animal is killing the very Planet we live on?


Laws need to be changed to help stop animal cruelty... if i killed a man i get sent to jail.... kill my pet dog i get a fine and banned at the worst... pathetic.

I agree. As I mentioned before, the law is ridiculously lenient in most cases of animal cruelty.

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Every species discovered on Earth is innocent at birth, including viruses, molluscs etc.


Each species is genetically programmed to

1) survive


3) die.


The only creature on this planet which is able to corrupt this innocence belongs, unfortunately, to the Human Race.


One lives in hope that eventually all humans will transcend the desire to corrupt. How long this will take I don't know. Maybe eons...because at the rate things are going we will have corrupted our planet one step too far, and killed ourselves off as a species, and many others as well.


For the survivors of this damage, whichever life forms remain will have kept their innocence.


We can make a start by valuing each other and the creatures sharing this part of the universe with us.


We can reinforce that message by penalising those of our species who would corrupt others of our ilk.....we should make a start right now...we can win...time is not on our side.


Paradise on Earth can and will return, with or without us.

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Well, Shoeshine, I agree with a lot of what you said there.


I'd probably argue that 'innocence' is a human concept, and one certainly not applicable to viruses.


Also, I'd probably say that the ones who survive the ultimate corruption/destruction of the earth are probably more lucky than innocent. Actually, the ones who survive will probably be the politicians et al, holed up in their blast-proof bunkers.


As for paradise on earth, well I don't think we ever had that and I certainly don't think we ever will.

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