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Relatives that can't text or email?

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As an older person I do embrace most modern technology, computers, games, interweb and email. What I will not do though is own a mobile phone.


To access the internet I need a phone line which normally includes a phone call package as well so why do I then need to spend any more money just to go mobile.


The only thing I like about mobile phones is that I can now go round town talking to myself and look cool as everyone thinks I'm on a hand free set.. :hihi:

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My Dad's in his 91st year and until recently was using a dial-up connection on a creaking computer that was still running Windows98. A couple of weeks ago I got him a laptop and set him up with WiFi and he's in his element, so it can be done! He's hard of hearing so email is a lot easier than the phone for him. Texting is another matter entirely though, he has never had and probably never will have a mobile phone. He looks covetously at my BlackBerry but when I let him have a play with it he can't cope, it's too fiddly.

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