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What can I do on NYE 2005?


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I'm really stuck on something to do NYE - can I go into town, will the pubs be open past midnight?

Or will I have to throw a house party and have my joint trashed!


Can someone please reply and tell me if any of the pubs on WEst Street have extended licenses for tomorrow night! plz, plz, plz, plz

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Originally posted by Icklespud

So all these people on here and not one of you knows if the pubs on WEst Street are open? RUBBISH!


Its a simple answer really that doesnt need an answer seeing as its NYE, work it out.


I dont think ive ever known a place not to be open NYE and have an exstended license.

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Sadly, due to public transport New Years Eve is very similar to Christmas Eve in town. Day time will be busy until around 6 ish then we all die a natural death personally none of my bars over the last 15 years have ever made it to midnight I will be looking at being at home for 11 ish and that’s including locking down and buying staff a drink at the same time,



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Originally posted by Icklespud

Well you've obviously never been to town on NYE CoolKat - bear in mind I don't wanna go to a club clever clogs


Yes i have seeing as i worked in town 2 years running on NYE as barstaff.


99.99% of bars are open NYE and most will have an extended license as well. Infatc all bars, pubs, clubs have an extended license. Its upto the management wether or not they use it.

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Originally posted by Icklespud

so CoolKat where you work?


I'll pop in and see you tomorrow night?


I dont disclose where im working im afraid, ave done b4 and had to put up with some right freaks.


But yes all the licesed venues will all ave an extended license for NYE. Best thing to do is just go out and see.

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