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Is it okay to have a fire in your garden

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i burn bits and bats of garden rubbish in an old oil drum but have been told it's illegal. is this true?


Not too sure now, but the law used to be not before 7pm, if I had one always check with neighbours & take in any washing. Just took the following off net if helps :):)


Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (as amended) it is an offence for people to dispose of their domestic waste in a way likely to cause pollution of the environment or harm to human health. In practice you should not burn waste that is likely to create excessive smoke or noxious fumes. If only dry garden waste is burnt, your bonfire should not cause a problem.


Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_time_is_it_legal_to_light_a_fire_in_England#ixzz1voelREcl

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i did check recently with sheffield council regarding having bon fires...they said it was ok any time of the day providing it was not causing a nuisance...and it was done in a safe way..


Thanks for that im always getting told off by my husband for having one during the day when hes at work. i see it like this if i have it when my neighbours are at work im not bothering anyone . but if i leave it til after 7 everyone is at home and they ve got windows open etc. also its too wet to burn stuff most of the time. also i have a burn bin so its not usually a big fire and is safe.

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