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The Eurozone Crisis

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Summit after summit after summit after summit after never ending summit... You get my point.


Will they ever sort this mess out, either kick out toxic countries or pull together and fix this mess, why oh why oh why in all that is holy can't they show some balls, make a decision and get on with it.

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Summit after summit after summit after summit after never ending summit... You get my point.


Will they ever sort this mess out, either kick out toxic countries or pull together and fix this mess, why oh why oh why in all that is holy can't they show some balls, make a decision and get on with it.




The Euro and the EU are both dead, but they just will not lay down and die. Too many on the lucrative EU gravy train struggling to keep it alive, sadly.



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I get the feeling that the EU countries are just hanging on and hoping the public will eventually lose interest, leaving them to do what they want to fix the problem.
Dunno about the public (when has the public ever mattered, in the EU context?), but I doubt the markets will (-lose interest) :twisted:


Dunno about other posters either, but I am currently involved with and closely following a particular piece of EU legislation in the making (no, it's not the EU version of ACTA), and the EU legislative process for that has been far less than open and inclusive, where the main stakeholders (EU-based SMEs and highly-specialised legal practitionners) are concerned.


In fact, so far it's been a mushrooming exercise writ large. If EU legislation making in general is (demonstrably) starting to follow this trend, there's a good chance I may sway from a mildly-Europhile stance to a mildly-UKIP stance :D

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