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The Eurozone Crisis

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In fact, so far it's been a mushrooming exercise writ large. If EU legislation making in general is (demonstrably) starting to follow this trend, there's a good chance I may sway from a mildly-Europhile stance to a mildly-UKIP stance

Good for you. Other SF members' views?

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Yes- as UKIP has been saying for ages. Now people might understand why!


but UKIP have been branded as racists by the liberal elite (on places like here) therefore they must be bad and I should not vote for them otherwise I'm a horrible racist too.

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but UKIP have been branded as racists by the liberal elite (on places like here) therefore they must be bad and I should not vote for them otherwise I'm a horrible racist too.


can't say i've noticed ukip generally being branded as racists


they are bonkers and anyone who supports them is simply voting for the destruction of the uk economy

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The Euro and the EU are both dead, but they just will not lay down and die. Too many on the lucrative EU gravy train struggling to keep it alive, sadly.




Too many eurcrat mp's and their staff on the gravy train. Would you give it up with their benefits?


Neil Kinnock and his missus spring to mind, now Lord and Lady prat now.


Euro is un workable as proved :gag:

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UKIP supporters, 'bonkers'???

Virtually all policies geared deliberately to satisfy majority opinion?

Attacking the EU which is the single largest 'dragdown factor' of our nation and our economy and our democracy?

Anti-uncontrolled immigration and meaning it but NEVER anti-immigrant?

Unrepentantly democratic?

Get intolerant - but only with criminals?

Strong belief in civil liberties?

Save the country at least £50 billion annually?

No going to war for the egos of politicians?

UKIP is not extreme like the BNP and The Greens and most importantly of all - it is NOT the LibLabCon!

Well. If all that's bonkers - sign me up as one more for the funny farm!

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I dont understand this idea that "the money all been spent", "the money's all gone"!! what do they mean its all spent? its all gone?? wheres it gone, vanished into thin air?? money circulates doesn't it? why has it stopped circulating? has demand gone down for stuff?...no, is it the case that people dont want to work anymore?...no.


What the hell is happening??

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