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did they?


santander uk is separate from santander spain and should be fairly safe should santander spain goes phutt


Of course they are going to say Santander UK is safe otherwise there'll be another run on the banks. But when have banks, or governments, ever been honest?

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Hmmm, I do seem to remember us having a strong manufacturing base in this country until a evil witch closed most of it down?:rolleyes:


I remember it differently. I remember the unions holding the manufacturing companies to ransom until they went bust. The unions then held a gun to head of the Labour government who bailed them out with a 40% subsidy of tax payers money. By which time customers had found they could get better quality and cheaper goods elsewhere. Then the unions held the tax payer to ransom. Then the people of the UK elected someone else and gave her a mandate to put a stop to the madness. The unions decided they didn't like that idea of democracy and wanted Labour back so they picked a fight and lost .................................. and so did all the hard working but badly misled workers.

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can't say i've noticed ukip generally being branded as racists


they are bonkers and anyone who supports them is simply voting for the destruction of the uk economy


Well Labour and the tories haven't exactly done wonders for us all now have they? I personally like some of their policies. What makes you think they would destroy our fantabulous, healthy, growing and fair economy?

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you can find entire threads dedicated to pretty much anything here.


you will find racists in pretty much every political party


Hmm, well I said UKIP are branded as racists on here. You disagreed saying you hadn't noticed it, so I linked a recent thread on here discussing if UKIP are the new BNP.


Its clearly been discussed here therefore my comments (although made in jest) are valid. In not attacking UKIP in anyway, more making a flippant comment about the branding of people as racists. This is becoming more prevalent which is unwarranted in my opinion.

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Hmmm, I do seem to remember us having a strong manufacturing base in this country until a evil witch closed most of it down?:rolleyes:


What exactly did Labour, in their 13 years in government, do to reverse this?

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I remember it differently. I remember the unions holding the manufacturing companies to ransom until they went bust. The unions then held a gun to head of the Labour government who bailed them out with a 40% subsidy of tax payers money. By which time customers had found they could get better quality and cheaper goods elsewhere. Then the unions held the tax payer to ransom. Then the people of the UK elected someone else and gave her a mandate to put a stop to the madness. The unions decided they didn't like that idea of democracy and wanted Labour back so they picked a fight and lost .................................. and so did all the hard working but badly misled workers.


If you're talking about Orgreave the Thatcher government wanted that fight, they unleashed the Ridley plan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ridley_Plan. The Thatcher government wanted revenge on the unions for effectively bringing down the heath government.

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If you're talking about Orgreave the Thatcher government wanted that fight, they unleashed the Ridley plan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ridley_Plan. The Thatcher government wanted revenge on the unions for effectively bringing down the heath government.




What I should have said is "the unions picked a fight they knew they could not win" They knew it ten years earlier but they hyped up their stupid class war propaganda and led ordinary hard working men and women to the dole queues.


It was not just the miners but also car workers, steel workers, shipbuilders, dockers and a whole host of others. It had nothing to with revenge. That's just more loony left propaganda trotted out after they lost the fight and tried to blame someone else. It was about stopping the power of the unions from trashing the economy.

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can't say i've noticed ukip generally being branded as racists


they are bonkers and anyone who supports them is simply voting for the destruction of the uk economy


... voting for the destruction of the uk economy.


Please explain.

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