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The Eurozone Crisis

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Which is a lot less than their above average salaries for below average performance.


That depends on how you price it / value it.


First of all the majority of people who have lost there jobs are on less than average salary, and you have no way of evaluating their individual performances so have no right to claim 'below avaerage performance,' without proper justification.


Secondly, if you take into account the hidden costs, eg depression, costing the NHS money, effects on the family -poverty costs us all in a variety of ways. Less money available to buy goods helping to turn the economy to growth. The knock on effect on other public sector workers who can only offer a reduced service because of less staff, which affects us all, (ask a nurse or a teacher,) or staff who need to take more time off sick due to overwork and stress.


I for one would prefer to see a man in work than on the dole.

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Yes, because the EU has proved to be such a roaring sucess hasn't it?

It's a failure, it was always going to be a failure, and it'll never be anything other than a failure.

AND Mr Heath admitted telling lies in order to persuade voters that it would succeed. How sad.

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It's a failure, it was always going to be a failure, and it'll never be anything other than a failure.
On a practical level, it's been a roaring success, and still is, so far as I'm concerned.


Certain aspects of it have grown to be highly objectionable, essentially because of the Executive (the Commission and 'satellites', not least the ECB and ECJ) getting too big for its boots lately.


People (and their MEP) are increasingly remedying that via the EU Parliament (see example here, I can't over-emphasize how important, and unexpected (in a good way) this 'obscure-to-most' development is). This is as it was always intended, so it's still working - thankfully.

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That depends on how you price it / value it.


First of all the majority of people who have lost there jobs are on less than average salary, and you have no way of evaluating their individual performances so have no right to claim 'below avaerage performance,' without proper justification.


Secondly, if you take into account the hidden costs, eg depression, costing the NHS money, effects on the family -poverty costs us all in a variety of ways. Less money available to buy goods helping to turn the economy to growth. The knock on effect on other public sector workers who can only offer a reduced service because of less staff, which affects us all, (ask a nurse or a teacher,) or staff who need to take more time off sick due to overwork and stress.


I for one would prefer to see a man in work than on the dole.



So would I, just not paid for with money "legally appropriated" from those who actually create wealth or borrowed from foreign governments.


As far as below average performance is concerned I give you Sheffield's education performance at 131st out of 150 and declining rapidly. I give you the £15bn compensation bill racked up by the NHS through incompetence. I could go on and on and on. See my many previous posts on abject incompetence and waste in the public sector. Justification enough I think.

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It's a failure, it was always going to be a failure, and it'll never be anything other than a failure.


We haven't had a war in Europe (Balkans aside) for more than 60 years. That had never happened in the two thousand years before the EU. For all its many many faults it has kept the continent together peacefully and you cannot put a price on that.

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So would I, just not paid for with money "legally appropriated" from those who actually create wealth or borrowed from foreign governments.


As far as below average performance is concerned I give you Sheffield's education performance at 131st out of 150 and declining rapidly. I give you the £15bn compensation bill racked up by the NHS through incompetence. I could go on and on and on. See my many previous posts on abject incompetence and waste in the public sector. Justification enough I think.


You often do. :roll:

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