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Who were worse, the Catholics or the Nazis?

Who were historically the most responsible for misery and death?  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. Who were historically the most responsible for misery and death?

    • The Catholic Church
    • The Nazis
    • Don't Know
    • Some other group

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But that proves my point.
Fair remark, touché ;)


Though -objectively- Catholics (specifically, and taking the Inquisition duly into account) still have quite some mileage to travel to catch any one of these or the Nazis in the "evilness" stakes.


But that's IMHO of course (anything to do with religion usually has me 'switch off' inside of 5 seconds ;))

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I'd definitely go for the Nazis. Their evil was on a scale unmatched by the Catholic Church. The Vatican may be guilty of a lot of stupidity, cruelty and hypocrisy but not to the extent the Nazis were. And the Catholic Church does have a sociable side to it that the Nazis didn't. They even let blacks join.


Look at organisations today that model themselves on the Nazis - BNP, EDL, NF, etc - and ask yourself if they remind you of the average nun.


I'm sure the Nazis must have had coffee mornings and bring and buy sales.With the big commitments they had they must have done some fundraisng somehow.

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I believe Stalin, Pol Pot and Mao would disagree. Mildly. :D


EDIT - sorry, Harley, did not read your reply first.

Tut-tut-tut, we'll have none of that common sense in a such a blatantly-biased thread, 'ta very much :nono:


EDIT/on-topic: personally, since the Nazis -as a result of the 1940 annexion- dispossed my grandfather and great-aunt of their home, land and possessions, and evicted them to south-central 'unoccupied' France in a cattle wagon, it would have to be the goose-stepping brigade. Our family dog had its first meal off the 'inherited' (left behind) swastika-emblazoned made-in-Berlin dinner plate last week (long-running...well, 60 odd-years running family tradition). I'd been waiting for that occasion since we've had the dog, for the last 2 years :thumbsup:


I'm really not surprised that Communism wasn't included. There always was a stunning naivety about that "Proletarian Workers Paradise" among the folks up north :hihi:

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I'm sure the Nazis must have had coffee mornings and bring and buy sales.With the big commitments they had they must have done some fundraisng somehow.


Fund raising oh yeah in a way! Tearing out gold teeth, recycling hair, shoes clothing and jewelry from the dead to be shipped to Germany for the benefit of the Sieg Heiling swinish populace who were beginning to feel the effects of the war through commodity shortages and allied bombing raids.


Yes indeed the Nazis were very efficient at collecting all kinds of stuff for charitable causes.

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I'm really not surprised that Communism wasn't included. There always was a stunning naivety about that "Proletarian Workers Paradise" among the folks up north :hihi:


From Wikipedia:


Communism (from Latin communis - common, universal) is a revolutionary socialist movement to create a classless, moneyless, and stateless social order structured upon common ownership of the means of production, as well as a social, political and economic ideology that aims at the establishment of this social order.


In many ways, from what he said, Jesus could be considered a communist. I wouldn't include the idea of Communism as a comparative evil organisation, because it's not really an organisation, just a flawed idea. Stalinism or Maoism however, yes include those.

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historically Catholics will have been responsible for many more deaths than the nazi's, religion used to be very brutal indeed.


So was society. Even up to the 1870s kids were exploited as factory slave labour in Victorian England by wealthy industrialists, the common welfare ignored by the government, overcrowded slums, foul living conditions and a horrendous mortality rate among people of all ages in the poorer strata of society. Ther must have been millions of them who died well before their time from the beginning of the industrial revolution until the years following World War One.


Was all that the fault of the Catholic Church? This thread is moronic and the OP only displaying his bigotry and crass ignorance by completely failing to see the overall picture

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From Wikipedia:


Communism (from Latin communis - common, universal) is a revolutionary socialist movement to create a classless, moneyless, and stateless social order structured upon common ownership of the means of production, as well as a social, political and economic ideology that aims at the establishment of this social order.


In many ways, from what he said, Jesus could be considered a communist. I wouldn't include the idea of Communism as a comparative evil organisation, because it's not really an organisation, just a flawed idea. Stalinism or Maoism however, yes include those.


It's said that early European exploreres who came across tribes of pygmies in the African jungle found a society that practiced a form of Communism in it's purest sense. That's very likely true.


On the other hand it's not true that "Communism" existed in the Soviet Union but there were plenty of naive half wits inside and outside the Soviet Union who really believed that the Soviet Union was the Communistic workers paradise it's leaders claimed it to be

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I dont think catholic priests are equipped to deal with counseling and helping molestation victims.

They are not equipped to deal with marriage counseling either although they think they are.


They have definite limits

My wife Pauline was a devout catholic, and when we decided to get married she wanted it ti be in her church. We were then told by the pastor that we had too attend martriage counselling. We were both widowed, she after 8 years of marriage, me after 23 years. When I went to see him, I said I think I know more about a happy marriage than he ever would, and if I'm anything I'm a protestant. The child abuse scandal was the last straw for her, she hasn't been to a catholic church in years.
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