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Pointless objects..

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Flowers, why the heck do people buy flowers; I refuse point blank to buy anyone flowers because frankly they look better where they grow.


Flowers to me seem to symbolise nothing more than an act of vandalism, they are plucked from nature so someone can put them into a vase on the telly and watch them slowly die for a couple of days - I don't get it, it's just wrong.

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Flowers "plucked from nature"? From a polytunnel more likely.


I don't think nature has much to do with the flowers you buy from a florist any more than the pork you purchase has connections with wild boar rooting around in the greenwood.


Now; if you'd said plastic flowers, then there might have been a meeting of minds.

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Flowers, why the heck do people buy flowers; I refuse point blank to buy anyone flowers because frankly they look better where they grow.


Flowers to me seem to symbolise nothing more than an act of vandalism, they are plucked from nature so someone can put them into a vase on the telly and watch them slowly die for a couple of days - I don't get it, it's just wrong.


Yeah I agree with that, something that is dying when you get it-I get people pot plants occasionally instead!


Plastic flowers are worse though.


I love basil fawlty telling polly to put the plastic flowers in the dish washer:hihi:

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Phone books, I mean who still uses a phone book! I admit they will be useful to the occasional home without internet but just think how many go straight into the paper recycling:loopy:


Add to that every leaflet that comes through my door. If I want something I will look for it, stop using my letterbox as a bin!

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Ties - apart from identifying exclusive club members and what public school people might have gone to - most serve no purpose and just get in the way...


they do however have a use at weddings! How else would a sweaty man look like rambo!:hihi:


ps the bow tie is worse-they look stupid!

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