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Any regrets careers wise?

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Looking back through your working career, no matter what path you finally took, do you have any regrets about not following up a certain profession, or job.


As I look back, mine would be not joining the navy when 16, I went down to the office passed all the tests & went home & told me parents. Pleas bear in mind this was 1975, I went to bed thinking no more of it. At 4am our old fella got me up & said come & see your mum she's been up all night crying.


Like a numpty I let he talk me out of it, I had not long since left school either, so I was impressionable it was a decision I have regretted ever since.


I tried again when I was 30 but they said that I could have problems dealing with the young ones that came into service, so they said I'd be better off not pursuing it.


Not a riveting subject but clean & should avoid controversy, comment if you feel you want to Pete.

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Took redundancy at 39 rather than move within the company and started my own business. I wish I'd done it sooner.


We had our own buisness for 17 years, too stressful , no such thing as taking a day off to enjoy holidays, sick or not you had to go into work, I suppose it paid off in the long run, but my husband being the way he was we would end up doing jobs for his friends at our cost, he didn't believe in making money on friends , all of a sudden we had a lot of them, after closing up and going to work for someone else it was like being on holiday, got weekends and holidays off , no stress , just punch out and go home at 5pm :love:

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No regrets whatsoever. Like the OP, I called into the Navy careers office however my parents had no problems with it and I joined in the summer of '78. Left 27 years later and have had constant work in the IT world ever since which just feels like a continuation of my Navy job but pays more and I get home every night :)

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I had a string of Admin based jobs from being 17-21. I then applied to be in the Navy as a Writer, passed all the tests bar the medical- Doc said I could do with losing a stone before I attempted the final, physical. Life happened, I met my now hubby and got pregnant. I am coming to the end of my nurse training and met people along the way during my jobs- I wouldn't dream of joining the Navy now (well.. I am approaching 29, fat, and with kids, so it's a no no anyway), but back then I did regret it. I would say I wish I had made a career choice sooner rather than being my age and only just qualifying but I wouldn;t have my kiddies then so I don't really regret it...

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