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Syrian Massacre

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Syrian rebels have a funny way of demanding freedom by holding pilgrims hostage and saying they will be released when their country has a new civil state= http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/syria-rebels-say-will-free-lebanese-hostages-in-new-state-7833891.html

What about the news reporter the rebels set up to get killed and the UN also states that the rebels are also commiting attrociaties.

It's alright saying Assad is in the wrong but what do we really know about these rebels?

I believe Islamists/Alqaeeda who want to be in positions of power in a few countries are the driving force behind these uprisings.

How do we know that this isn't a new tactic by extremists as the suicide bombing angle isn't working?

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Scheuer US Policy & Islamic Terrorism


We, the West in general and US in particular are not hated because of our way of life e.g Women in workplace, Promiscuity,tolerance of homosexuality, drinking and gambling etc but because of our intervention in the Islamic World especially our unconditional support of Israel (a Nation irrelevant to our vital National interests).

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We have the Vice PM of Israel calling for the West to overthrow the Syrian Regime, you in your infinite wisdom assure us that he is lying and doesn't mean it.


We have an Ex-CIA analyst(Head of the bin-Laden unit) telling us that the Israel Lobby owns Congress.


That makes me an anti-semite?


Expect to be called an anti-semite every time you disagree with an Israeli.

It's a method Israelis use to guilt others into cessation and hide facts.


Usually means you're making a valid point and they have nothing to dispute it.

Over 20years as an Israeli citizen and I am still often called an anti-semite for my views on the Israeli government. By people conveniently oblivious to the fact that it's possible to disagree with the actions of the government without hating the Jewish population.


There's really no other way to defend the indefensible actions taking place since 1948. If you speak out, you are branded an anti-Semite or enemy of the state.

The IDF even have a sector, which includes many foreign volunteers, who's sole purpose is to scour the net for anything they consider damaging to israel's image and report it/have it removed/accuse the author of anti-semitism.


Your assessments so far on this subject have been spot on.

Policy on Iran is massively overstated to draw attention from the social troubles inside Israel and the building of record numbers of settlements.

Assad has to go because he allows supply routes to exist from Iran to Hezbollah.


Violence in Arab countries is always a positive thing for the PR of Israel as it shows the world "we are fighting such savages" and helps justify the mistreatment of israel's own Arab population.


Israeli forces are active in Kurdish areas of Iraq and Iran training and arming militants to attack iranian targets and destabilise the country. More than likely they are active in Syria/turkey at this time too.

A western backed/friendly government in Syria that could be bought off by western money, rather than Russian, is most preferable to israel's leaders.


I love Israel. I see no alternative to its existence. The people, exactly the same as everywhere else, are mostly good people. Most do not want this situation.

Unfortunately, a population living in constant fear is one that is very easy to control and manipulate over security issues.

Hopefully not for much longer though. The tide of public opinion is turning people are becoming more and more liberal and starting to question and oppose the actions of their petty, ridiculous, profiteering, right-wing government.

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Syrian rebels have a funny way of demanding freedom by holding pilgrims hostage and saying they will be released when their country has a new civil state= http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/men-attack-womens-rights-protesters-in-tahrir-square-7834231.html

What about the news reporter the rebels set up to get killed and the UN also states that the rebels are also commiting attrociaties.

It's alright saying Assad is in the wrong but what do we really know about these rebels?

I believe Islamists/Alqaeeda who want to be in positions of power in a few countries are the driving force behind these uprisings.

How do we know that this isn't a new tactic by extremists as the suicide bombing angle isn't working?


Think that's the wrong link Mafya?

You are completely right of course, atrocities by either side are wrong.

I think it started off with normal peaceful people demonstrating with banners and placards, but then when their army starts to kill them and nobody will help them fight back, who are they going to turn to? By not helping them (not our fault, blame Russia and China), we have left the door open for AQ.


Same sort of thing happened in the Balkans though, it took years of just watching it all unravel before the UN sanctioned the use of force to stop the killing.

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Syrian rebels have a funny way of demanding freedom by holding pilgrims hostage and saying they will be released when their country has a new civil state= http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/men-attack-womens-rights-protesters-in-tahrir-square-7834231.html

What about the news reporter the rebels set up to get killed and the UN also states that the rebels are also commiting attrociaties.

It's alright saying Assad is in the wrong but what do we really know about these rebels?

I believe Islamists/Alqaeeda who want to be in positions of power in a few countries are the driving force behind these uprisings.

How do we know that this isn't a new tactic by extremists as the suicide bombing angle isn't working?


That's been my opinion since the much-vaunted 'Arab Spring' started. Previously unpleasant, brutal but relatively-stable countries have had a Trojan horse of Al Qaeeda planted in their midst in the name of 'freedom-loving 'rebels'. Aided and abetted by the ludicrously out-of-his depth William Hague (who today, yawn, is hinting that British forces will be used to help the 'rebels' in Syria) and that Uber-Quango, the BBC will go down in history as the piece-of-paper waving Chamberlains of the present day, and will be complicit in the entire North African/Middle East area being turned into an Al Qaeeda-ruled bloc. Throw in Cameron, Sarkozy and Obama high-fiving it after they helped this pusch and you realise that we have probably the most useless and naive bunch of policians in living memory.

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the entire North African/Middle East area being turned into an Al Qaeeda-ruled bloc.


complete hyperbolic tosh. Utter nonsense. There is no chance of that happening at all. Al Quieda have never even got close to overthrowing the government of a single country, and they're weaker now than they were ten years ago. They've never been anything close to being popular anywhere. Do you seriously believe this?

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I see British Defence Secretary Douglas Hague is making noises about getting involved. That's all we need :gag:

Another war, another few thousand American troops killed or maimed, half a trillion dollars added to the deficit, the Germans ducking out as they always do, the French sending a token force of non combatants and the US bearing the brunt of the fighting and then America being labeled neo fascist colonial bullies.


When will the middle east countries start to police their own problems?


African troops are succesfully restoring some kind of normalcy and order to Somalia after two decades of war. As the commander of the African troops stated "African problems are best solved by Africans" Never a truer word spoken and something that the Arab countries need to listen to and learn from

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I see British Defence Secretary Douglas Hague is making noises about getting involved. That's all we need :gag:

Another war, another few thousand American troops killed or maimed, half a trillion dollars added to the deficit, the Germans ducking out as they always do, the French sending a token force of non combatants and the US bearing the brunt of the fighting and then America being labeled neo fascist colonial bullies.


When will the middle east countries start to police their own problems?


African troops are succesfully restoring some kind of normalcy and order to Somalia after two decades of war. As the commander of the African troops stated "African problems are best solved by Africans" Never a truer word spoken and something that the Arab countries need to listen to and learn from


It would be 100 times harder than Libya though.The Syrians have the Russian S-300 anti aircraft system.(very similar to the US Patriot systems)

From wikipedia...


The S-300 is regarded as one of the most potent anti-aircraft missile systems currently fielded.[4] Its radars have the ability to simultaneously track up to 100 targets while engaging up to 12. S-300 deployment time is five minutes.[4] The S-300 missiles are sealed rounds and require no maintenance.


They should leave them to it i agree instead of getting NATO soldiers killed just for their own political purposes.NATO has the capability to strike no doubt but it would not be without losses as in Libya.Planes will fall out of the sky.If the Russians have sold them the S-400 system then it will rain planes.Not as easy as people think to intervene in Syria.

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