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Anybody been to Cuba?

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Well with all this talk of Salsa dancing, I've gone and booked myself a holiday to Cuba.


Has anybody been? and can you offer any advice on anything at all (things to do, see etc etc)


Well I'm gonna have to try this Salsa dancing now.:thumbsup:

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I'm going to Cuba in June this year, Varadero to be precise and can't wait. Where and when are you? and what did you pay? Bet mine was cheaper! (2 weeks all inc & 4star hotel ) £850 each on teletext. Can't take credit though the wench found it for us!

Woof Woof!

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Hi Madmaxwestie


I am doing a 2 centre holiday and going next xmas and new year so a little more expensive than you have paid.


We are staying in Havana for 4 days and Cayo Guillermo for 10 nights.


Havana looks really interesting and then its a beach holiday to chill out.


Anybody else been?

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Went to Cuba in September '97 (Cayo Largo - small island to the south of Cuba).


Had quite a good time but it was early days for tourism then in Cuba (at least there anyway).


The plane was a bit dodgy I seem to remember and it went from Stanstead which is quite a nice airport.


There was a slight incident going through customs in Cuba.

I was holding my jacket (it was proper hot) and security frisked me - He felt an object in my pocket and proceeded to draw his gun, point it at me and motion me to empty my pockets... everyone was looking as I carefully removed a bag of pear drops which then fell all over the floor. The bugger made me pick them all up afterwards (which I gladly did as he kept pointing to them with his gun !!).


It was a good holiday and locals were nice. Handy if you know some Spanish I'd say.

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Originally posted by madmaxwestie

I'm going to Cuba in June this year, Varadero to be precise and can't wait. Where and when are you? and what did you pay? Bet mine was cheaper! (2 weeks all inc & 4star hotel ) £850 each on teletext. Can't take credit though the wench found it for us!

Woof Woof!


Cuba in June: hot but often wet, its the hurricane season.

I.E Off peak.

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Originally posted by mikey

Well with all this talk of Salsa dancing, I've gone and booked myself a holiday to Cuba.


Has anybody been? and can you offer any advice on anything at all (things to do, see etc etc)


Well I'm gonna have to try this Salsa dancing now.:thumbsup:


I hope you enjoy it and have fun.


Back in the day Arthur Scargill used to go there to hone up on his disruption tactics. :o;)

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Whilst being to Cuba my father smelt an unknown plant once, after that his face suddenly went 2 times broader than before br-r-r-r! This lasted for a few days with no consequences, there's no harm.

it sounds funny now – those days not that much.


So watch out! anyway!

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