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Mainstream comics first gay wedding

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For those of us who do read comics even though we're adults and appreciate them and know that within the average story theres usually more entertainment, good ideas and more of good everything than most TV has provided us with for the last few years, you'll know that Northstar the Marvel character who has been openly gay since 1992 has proposed to his boyfriend.


While comics imitate, subvert and caricature life in many ways this has caused outrage amongst the more extreme end of the religious types who claim that the kids (oh, won't somebody think of the kids) will be perverted and damaged by seeing two men get married amongst the death, killing and destruction of the drawings in the book.


Most people - the vast majority - don't actually care of course because they don't read the comic, I suspect the average religious type won't care either because they don't read the comic either and even if they did seeing a drawing of a gay wedding is hardly going to tear down the fabric of civilisation. However the lunatic fringe while separated by deity have more in common than they realise and are making noises about how awful it all is.


Personally I don't particularly care for Northstar but I do like Marvel so well done them for doing it.http://www.entertainmentwise.com/news/76516/Marvels-X-Men-Sees-Comics-First-Gay-Wedding

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I always suspected superman as gay - batman deffo, spiderman....poss bi- thor? come on, no straight man would dress like that! - the whole comic fraternity is a festival of homo erotic imagery and it's nice to see one has actualy come out, though I've never heard of northstar myself

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Grown men who like reading a comic about a man marrying another man in a made up story? Has the world gone mad?...:)


Just grown men reading comics is bad enough, wikkle baby wabies.


Yes, unlike grown men who still like to watch football, or still have to have a woman do their cooking and cleaning for them.

I hope its Catwoman, that would be great.


You think she likes cats?

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