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Looking for Jersey Joe formerly of Burngreave

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Hiya 'Jersey Joe',


Now there's a lovely moniker. How did you come by it? Do you live there, have property there or do you just holiday there? Either way you must have trousered a few quid along the way. Good on you!


We both know that it's not Joe though is it? I've got one chance in three of guessing which one that I wouldn't bet on being right. The last time that I saw any of you was before I got called up and you three would have still been at school - Pie Bank was it?


Neil had his Dad's eyes, Terry his mother's mop of blonde hair and David - the baby with curly hair. My gut feeling says that it is Neil but my head says Terry - then again, both could be wrong.


I'm not a Simpson but I've got just as much Simpson DNA in me as you have. You say that your father had 5 brothers, he did but you forgot to mention that he also had three sisters, one of which died in infancy. My mother was the oldest of the clan.


You're right about Minnie being a shrewd business woman, she was always ahead of the game. I always throught there was a bit of yid in her. Shame that she couldn't lay in bed straight.


She even stole a George the third sovereign from me when I was 12 years old (nice one Minnie!)


Grandma only had two loves in her life, one was your father and the other Auntie May, all the rest were just used or pushed to one side including my mother.


You're right about your Dad turning the chip shop into the second hand store room. It was a stroke of genius. It was just when our Carribean cousins were heading for our shores and dozens of families found their way to Burngreaves. Minnie bless her had enough furnished accomodation for everybody.


I could go on for ages, but a lot of what I could say is not for public reading. If I have roused your curiosity and you would like to get in touch and possibly sink a few, give me a ring on 01943 884479.


Have you got me yet? I am CK, no not Calvin Klein, cousin Keith.

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