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Sadness as students pull out of lease on Fox & Duck pub in Broomhill

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Thanks Rich that's awesome of you, you're quite right we hadn't put the website address on the fanpage, that's fixed now, it's just a holding page that points to facebook at the minute anyway :)

(edit - and now it's magically in our forum signature, huzzah!)

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Hi Belperite, thanks for the reply, we're hoping to be open early Friday evening (as soon as we can be!)


It's been talked about on here about the change from a free of tie pub run by the university back to a "tied" deal with Enterprise so I suppose now is a good time to talk about beer!


There's currently quite a few local beers on offer, having returned to a tied deal would've meant that to keep all of them, we would have to have put a flat price around £3 - £3.20 pint on everything (because of the price we're charged compared to the buying power of the union)


Because of this we have gone down a route of paying a surcharge to go free of tie on one local ale and have come to an arrangement with the lovely folks at Abbeydale Brewery to keep Moonshine available for the near future (we can change this as and when we choose, but this seems to be a popular choice for the regulars we spoke to).


This has meant that we can't stock any other local beers for the time being, but does mean that we can put the prices as follows:


Abbeydale Moonshine - £2.20 pint

John Smith's Cask - £2.45 pint

Timothy Taylor Landlord - £2.95 pint


Two guest ales at £2.95 (which for our first month or so will be Old Hooky 4.6% by Hook Norton and Wadworth; Red, White & Brew 4%)


Finally we're also adding Westons Old Rosie 7% cask cider to the pub at £2.95 a pint.


These are the regular prices, all day everyday, we've put a lot of thought into this and we are a little sad to lose a couple of the Acorn and Bradfield casks for the time being, but we felt like this was a good compromise on pricing and quality!


If anyone would like to see our special offers on things like Extra Smooth and Lagers (Rich we have Fosters, but we also have Amstel and Kronenbourg and a selection of other bottles, Carling weren't willing to give us any support!), we've added them to our Facebook page, would stick them on here too but already worried that this is like an essay :)


ALSO we've got some brand new HD tvs fitted in time for England to spank Italy on Sunday (edit - or not :( but wimbledon is on! :) )


Again thanks to anyone taking the time to read this :roll:

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Jolly good show F and D. I may be very old but I can drink that lovely English ale until it comes out of ears. Assuming I am not about to kick the proverbial bucket at my age, I will be down as a punter. Hope you will welcome senile old gits like me who will bore you to death with tales of the British Empire in India. :P


oldfolkshome you will be very welcome :thumbsup: we're going to be doing some work over the summer to bring the place back to life too, and today we took delivery of all our board games and newspaper rack for our free newspapers :)

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went in last night, stroppy little minx gave me a short pint and told me it was a measured glass. when i showed her that the liquid was below the line it was grudgingly topped up. this happened for 3 pints in a row. going downhill already rip fox n duck

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