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Sadness as students pull out of lease on Fox & Duck pub in Broomhill

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So as I have a lot of spare time on Sunday mornings I will put a few outgoings of The Devonshire as it was tied....




Lease £1000

Insurance £200

Staff £2400 (Only allows 1 staff per hour of opening + chef 3 hrs per day)

Electric £400


Circa £4000


£4000 divided by 0.43p = 9302 pints divided by 28 days, 332 pints per day or 30 pints per hour.


You can now see why when United were relegated and the Council and Aviva laid off staff why it could make no money, and I never renewed the lease!


As we sold food we were able to make more money on that and obviously there was a certain amount of soft drinks. My best income was the car park though as Reg Vardy paid me to let them use it for their staff. Without supplementary income it would have been impossible.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The tax on beer is just to high, the pub trade continues to die. Visiting a pub is an ordeal, you get shafted by the taxman and forced to sit on the naughty step for being a higher rate taxpayer (smoker).


You might as well just drink homebrew on the street.

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congrats on the new gents bog hated that stinky trough, big improvement.


Thank you Gavjad, we'll be finishing off the refurb next month by sorting out the plastering in there, fixing the old ventilation units etc, we're also refitting a lot of the main pub too so hopefully everyone will like what we're doing with the place :)


Greengeek, we haven't really gone down the "TV route" all we did was replace the TVs that the union took with them with new ones, during the day we normally have background music with subtitled news etc but at the minute we've got three different olympic events on the three tvs :thumbsup:


Also, yes the margins running a tied pub are very tight, but to be honest, it is still one of the best ways to become self employed, the startup cost difference between a tied pub and a free house is frankly astronomical, as with everything in life you take your risk you get your reward, however we are trying to put together a good quality and good value pub with the right kind of values and hopefully we can look forward to people's support!


Our website is now live, please check it out and join our Facebook page :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


ok this is the last time we're going to comment on this post, as we hope it's not sadness anymore :)


Just a quick post to say that we've now finished off a lot of the refurb. There's now free Wi-Fi, we totally stripped out the cellar while we were closed and as well as a deep clean we've installed a vertical cask system and new cask pumps, meaning our beer quality should be pretty darn good. We've also had a full redecorate, all the toilets and furniture have been refitted, plus if you buy a drink it's still bring your own food (we've got all new cutlery, crockery, condiments etc)


Hopefully we'll see some of you in here for a pint or two


Fanks :)

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Hi everyone,


ok this is the last time we're going to comment on this post, as we hope it's not sadness anymore :)


Just a quick post to say that we've now finished off a lot of the refurb. There's now free Wi-Fi, we totally stripped out the cellar while we were closed and as well as a deep clean we've installed a vertical cask system and new cask pumps, meaning our beer quality should be pretty darn good. We've also had a full redecorate, all the toilets and furniture have been refitted, plus if you buy a drink it's still bring your own food (we've got all new cutlery, crockery, condiments etc)


Hopefully we'll see some of you in here for a pint or two


Fanks :)


Good Luck!


Going down the 'tied' route for enterprise usually means heart ache and financial ruin for hundreds of people. I really hope you make a go of it though. Especially as it looks like you spent plenty on the place as well.


I'll try to get down for a pint or 3 soon.

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Hi everyone,


ok this is the last time we're going to comment on this post, as we hope it's not sadness anymore :)


Just a quick post to say that we've now finished off a lot of the refurb. There's now free Wi-Fi, we totally stripped out the cellar while we were closed and as well as a deep clean we've installed a vertical cask system and new cask pumps, meaning our beer quality should be pretty darn good. We've also had a full redecorate, all the toilets and furniture have been refitted, plus if you buy a drink it's still bring your own food (we've got all new cutlery, crockery, condiments etc)


Hopefully we'll see some of you in here for a pint or two


Fanks :)


Yes good luck sounds like you working hard to make it successful.

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