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Wheeliebins - blowing in the wind

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Do you have a regular time for the bin-men?


Our bin men are about as regular as our postman. They could come at 6am, they could come at 10am. It really is that irregular.


I have noticed that they just seem to throw the bins back in the general direction of the house. So when I get home from work, the bins are all up the pavement, leaving no room to walk, park the cars etc.

But I cant complain. We all try to cut down our work, and if I could get home faster by working faster, I too would probably cut a few corners.


It's just that when they do it, it bothers us so we complain.

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Q. What is worse than a wheelie bin blown over?


A. A full blue bin of newspaper blown over.


I got up on Monday this week, after it had been pretty windy in the night, to find the whole contents of a blue bin blowing all over the the street/gardens where I live. What a mess.


These bins should have had an inbuilt clip to stop the lid coming up.



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Originally posted by Sam Miguel

Is it me or are those wheeliebins the wrong shape or something? When it's windy - and they've been emptied - they blow all over the place. I've retrieved them from the middle of our road! It's a pain, it really is

My bin gets blown over even when it's in its storage place up my back passage (...maybe I could phrase that better...).

Maybe theres a project for a University student here to do some wind-tunnel testing and design an aerodynamic wheelie bin. That must be good enough to earn for a PhD.

20 years ago part of the service was for the bin men to collect the bin from my rear entry (...no that's no better...) and return it after - another 20 years and I expect they'll have us wheeling the bins to the end of the road at 7:00 am and tipping them into the truck ourselves.

Well it's easy to grumble but

  • - Sheffield City Council - English average
  • Cost of waste collection per household - £29.93 - £30.05
  • Missed collections, per 100,000 bins - 84 - 173.1
  • % of the total tonnage of household waste arising which have been recycled - 4.3 - 9.8

taken from: http://www.upmystreet.com/inf/pi/det/eng/?l1=s11#Corporate_health

Very low "missed collection" figure, cost about average, recycling - oops - better get using those blue bins!

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Originally posted by robh

Very low "missed collection" figure, cost about average, recycling - oops - better get using those blue bins!


Another whinge... bought the current house in Sheffield 4 years ago. Back then the blue box recycling scheme would take plastic bottles, glass bottles and paper for recycling. Not too long ago they stopped taking plastic bottles. And now, with the new blue wheelie bin scheme, all they'll take is paper. Seems like a real step back to me...

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Originally posted by Sam Miguel

"How many times must a bin blo-ow away,

Before it be-heads a man,

Yes 'n how times must I while away the day,

As I watch the guys load up the van.

Then the wheelie bin my friend

Just blows in the wind

The wheelie bin jus' blows in the wind."


B Dylan 2004

Gets harmonica out......... :D


I dunno about wind but we had a crazy neighbour who would go thru our rubbish and tip it up everywhere then say it was a fox! My dad tied the lid down with rope and boyscout like knots and reliably the rubbish was everywhere!.....I never knew foxes could untie knots!

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Originally posted by jackthedog

Sounds like your old man should've used the rope and boyscout like knots on the neighbour...


altho being tied up may have caused excitment!

trust me to lower the tone!

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