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Ever been refused entry?


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Have you ever been refused entry into Fuel or Limit?


I went out tonight with someone not mentioning no names *cough* but we got refused entry into Fuel because we are not memebers os how do you become members?

Also we got refused entry in Limit because the person i was with had a hooded top on and it was 10quid entry..(what a joke)

But we had a good night and the person that came with me was male and got pulled by a male double his age :P

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I've been refused entry to Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club in London on a couple of occasions.


I've never been there to get in to trouble, so I feel I must have an evil alter-ego who smashed dthe place up once. :) A group of people I sued to work with used to like the place, otherwise I wouldn't have tried again! :)


When I become a zillionaire, I intend to buy the place, sack teh door staff and bar the current owners. :D



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Originally posted by cloudybay

Rather litigious of you Joe. I'm sure you didn't have to go that far? You could have just fire-bombed the place ........:D


My tipyng gets worse.... :)


I have to get in there now, just once, as a matter of principle! Only problem is I don't do much business in London anymore so don't ahve the excuse to go.


One day, I shall return. Ronnie Scott's....you have been warned. And I'll be in disguise.... :heyhey:



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I have always regarded Ronnie Scott's as an over-hyped, over-priced posers' den. Apparently Ken Clark, the Tory grandee is a regular (no doubt in an effort to enhance his image as a cool dude beneath his overweight, boorish, smug, self-satisfied, suede-shoed carapace). I sometimes think that this is the real function of Ronnie Scott's. In my humble opinion, most modern jazz is awful anyway, so the performers are at least in appropriate surroundings.

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Originally posted by Mz_BaBe

Have you ever been refused entry into Fuel


one night i came out of republic early and some p[eople i knew was in fuel, so i thought id go in and have a couple of drinks before retiring home..... the usual scenario

Bouncer "if ya not a member ya cant come in"

Me "its cause im straight aint it"

Bouncer "how am i meant to know if you are gay or not"

Me "do i look gay?"

Bouncer "do you really want me to answer that"

Me "suppose not"


so anyways..... he said if i could get one of my mates to come sign me in id be ok..... battery had run out on my phone though. so had to go home.


Originally posted by JoeP

My tipyng gets worse.... :)


surely this was deliberate joe??

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I was under the impression that if you were not a member of Fuel you could join on that night, unless they have changed their policy.... :suspect: ... it does say onw ebsite you can join on the door.


You can join Fuel from their website, by cliking on their "membership" section, its free as well from there.

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