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Ever been refused entry?


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Originally posted by peter41

I was under the impression that if you were not a member of Fuel you could join on that night, unless they have changed their policy.... :suspect: ... it does say onw ebsite you can join on the door.


You can join Fuel from their website, by cliking on their "membership" section, its free as well from there.


done it, still waiting for my card from like 2 months ago, possibly longer

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Originally posted by JoeP

I've been refused entry to Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club in London on a couple of occasions.


I've never been there to get in to trouble, so I feel I must have an evil alter-ego who smashed dthe place up once. :) A group of people I sued to work with used to like the place, otherwise I wouldn't have tried again! :)


When I become a zillionaire, I intend to buy the place, sack teh door staff and bar the current owners. :D




Could've been teh anorak mate! (hides from teh ban hammer)


Rich note- I am only messing Joe

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Originally posted by Robbie_Lovin

done it, still waiting for my card from like 2 months ago, possibly longer


Im still waiting for my card too, but i got told last night you have to be 21 to be a member but im only 19 so that might have something to do with it

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I got refused entry to DROP at the city hall once for being too drunk. I was in a bit of a state so fair enough... :rolleyes:


I've nearly been refused entry to the frog and parrot for being underage (this was when I was 31!!! woo yay!).. I managed to convince them (and thank them for the compliment) in the end!

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Originally posted by Rich

Could've been teh anorak mate! (hides from teh ban hammer)


Rich note- I am only messing Joe


I was wearing my 'media babe' outfit.


Black suit with a black shirt, carrying a black bag.


Obviously, it got me black looks. :)


The anorak of power was folded neatly and stuffed in my bag.


LordChaverley, yes, it did look overpriced and full of poseurs. But, a challenge has been laid, and must be met!



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I once got refused entering at a Bowling Alley bar... i was out with my sister and a mutual friend from work...


The doorman was about to open the door for us... when all of a sudden he was interupted by his Manageress telling him i didnt look old enough and that i had to produce ID... which unfortunately i didnt have with me... I was 24 didnt think i would need to prove it... :?


I decided to ask the guy on the door how old you have to be to enter the bar... he replied 18... I then piped up and asked him... YOUR telling ME i dont look 18? his reply was sorry love nothing i can do... :huh: Fine! :mad:


My sister even tried telling him i was well over 18 but he wouldnt take her word for it either... Damn that Manageress :rant: lol

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