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Both parents are a joke.

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As title says, I'm embarassed by both of them. One drinks too much, has a problem with theft / criminality and needs constant emotional support and the other one borrows money off me, makes excuses, does'nt pay it back and ignores my calls / texts.


Both are unreliable.


I honestly wish I had different parents instead of these weak willed, dishonest individuals. Nothing ever changes. They are really good examples of how not to live your life.


I don't need this drama and feel kind of cheated out of good parents!.:mad:

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My condolences and good of you for being so morally strong. What a b----y shame, move on with your life or at least try, because that must be one hell of an awful situation.

Do hope that non of the Forum stalkers add comments you can do without !

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I think that shatters the the theory about having a bad upbringing, the op sounds like a very nice person.


Yep, quite agree. I hope there are some really nice people in your life to try and make up for this. Not all parents are bad, thankfully.

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I think that shatters the the theory about having a bad upbringing, the op sounds like a very nice person.


It was an OK upbringing at times. I don't use that as an excuse. I take responsibility for myself.


I just kind of think when you get to 56 you should have your life sorted out by then. It's sad when you borrow money, lie about the reasons you borrowed it and then don't reply / text / man-up. It's the deception which bothers me more than anything.


If you can't trust your parents who can you trust?

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Just accept that that is what they are and move on. I realised that my mum was a nasty, spiteful person a long time ago and had mistreated us when we were young, but because I thought that was just the 'way it was' I spent my childhood and teens trying to please her with everything I did not being good enough for her.

Now she is 86, deaf, almost blind and still as nasty - other people don't see it because she puts a great act on in public - and I can barely stand to be in the same room as her for more than an hour because I know the snidey remarks will soon be coming.

People think I'm terrible for the way I ignore her. When I first met my partner he was disgusted by the way I was towards my mother, then one day he said ' I understand completely now' because she can't keep her sweet old lady act up for long.

The day I realised that I didn't love my mother I actually cried because I so wanted to be part of a 'normal' family and like you I felt cheated out of a loving family.

Move on - see them if you need to, but refuse to be blackmailed for money or attention by them. Once you've made that decision it's much easier to let go of the resentment.

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You can't choose your family. It's a good job you can choose your friends, basically.


if it's too much time and effort to put in with them, don't do it.


What can you do? cut them out entirely? they always seem to creep back in, maybe I should move to a desert island with no phone or something!:hihi:

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