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Marginalising the young.

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Why are you so nosey?


OK....it would have involved bullets , the ruling classes and firing squads.:)


And do you think the population would vote for such a policy and once you've shot lots of people then what?

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And one flew over the cuckoos nest.


Ever stopped to think that a lot of these young folk today are well on track to receive a nice lump sum when their parents snuff it in the form of..... guess what.... property.


How did many of those parents get a property??....... through the right to buy.


Those young folk when they receive their lump sum may (if they have not already) use some of the money to assist in getting their own property which they can then pass on to their children.....and so on and so on.


No more landlords with their rules and restrictions, no more dead money wasted on rent and an asset of your own you can either sell or pass on to your own children.


How quickly people forget exactly HOW they got were they are and who helped them achieve it.


Oh and lets not forget the long term bonus. The more people get independant and own their own home..... the less people will be filling up the allegedly limited stock of council houses. Said it before and say it again in this day and age nobody fit and able to work should get subsidised rental by the rest of us taxpayers.

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you chem1st under another name?


No he is not. Be he raises a valid point.


In addition to marginalisation of the young. We should also bare in mind our under replacement level birth rate. Our youth are a minority, outnumbered by immigrants. We expect the immigrants to wipe our elderly arses.


Yet we doubt our young will?


Our young are struggling, and they are struggling vs the world - open immigration - not that they shouldn't have to compete with others. But the burdens they bear are far greater.


If our young cannot afford to look after themselves, let alone our old (temporary 6 to a room living whilst benefitting from wage arbitage rather than being a hot resident), and the immigrants seek to transfer capital for their own personal gain (rational behaviour). Then has it been foolish on the behalf of our elderly to sell out our young for short term gain.

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Ever stopped to think that a lot of these young folk today are well on track to receive a nice lump sum when their parents snuff it in the form of..... guess what.... property.


You think people are going to inherit property?


Think again.


Less than 15% own outright.


And under 1% own 67% of the land in the UK.


The land monopolists never lose.


Those on the margins however. They never gained in the first place, t'was just a different form of rent that they paid. They thought they played a grand old game, and in one fell swoop... ...

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