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Marginalising the young.

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If they are so affordable why aren't people on low incomes already buying them then?


hmmm? Go on....?


It's simple really. The houses which should be affordable, for first time buyers, young families, singles and people who are on low incomes, aren't. Their price is determined by how much the greed-driven landlord can make out of the property rather than their actual value.

You're no longer bidding against people around the same wealth as you with roughly the same needs, you're bidding against an amoral businessman who has wealth many times your own.

Thus increasing the cost of cheap/affordable housing and keeping the poorer members of society trapped in, paying extortionate levels of rent (sometimes triple the amount of the mortgage payments) preventing them from ever being able to save up a deposit for a home of their own

In no world is this fair. It is my opinion that England would be a much nicer place if landlords did not exist.

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It's simple really. The houses which should be affordable, for first time buyers, young families, singles and people who are on low incomes, aren't. Their price is determined by how much the greed-driven landlord can make out of the property rather than their actual value.

You're no longer bidding against people around the same wealth as you with roughly the same needs, you're bidding against an amoral businessman who has wealth many times your own.

Thus increasing the cost of cheap/affordable housing and keeping the poorer members of society trapped in, paying extortionate levels of rent (sometimes triple the amount of the mortgage payments) preventing them from ever being able to save up a deposit for a home of their own

In no world is this fair. It is my opinion that England would be a much nicer place if landlords did not exist.


I agree with much of your post, just the last bit needs a rethink.

England would be a much fairer place if landlords built homes for rent instead of buying the housing traditionally bought by first time buyers.

Landlords are an important part of society as long as their desire to acquire wealth doesn’t affect the next generation’s ability to become home owners, instead of home renters. I knew several young people that had everything in place to buy an house just to be outbid before completion, and then seeing the for rent sign going up a few weeks later

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I've seen some tired anti Thatcher rants but this is one of the worst. I'll add "young people not being able to buy a house" to the list of problems Thatcher caused along with:


Global Warming


Sinking the Titanic

Apollo 13


Sheffield Floods

Australian Drought

American Civl War

etc etc


You can't negate an argument by trying to reduce it to absurdity

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I agree with much of your post, just the last bit needs a rethink.

England would be a much fairer place if landlords built homes for rent instead of buying the housing traditionally bought by first time buyers.

Landlords are an important part of society as long as their desire to acquire wealth doesn’t affect the next generation’s ability to become home owners, instead of home renters. I knew several young people that had everything in place to buy an house just to be outbid before completion, and then seeing the for rent sign going up a few weeks later


But they do, because they are greedy and selfish like most other people. All anyone seems to care about is getting their mits on other peoples' money at any cost, which is cause of the world's woes.

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But they do, because they are greedy and selfish like most other people. All anyone seems to care about is getting their mits on other peoples' money at any cost, which is cause of the world's woes.


Some are most defiantly greedy; some are just looking out for their retirement and their children, and want something to hand down to them. Some are complacent and completely unaware or not interested in how their actions affect others. Some actually believe they are providing a valuable service in providing accommodation for those unfortunate people that can’t afford to buy, without realising they are part of the reason the young people can’t afford to buy.

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Not selfish. It is merely the cycle of life. Unfortunately it has been interrupted, hopefully not terminally. The young of today are the adults of tomorrow. One day they will take charge of us, so perhaps we should treat them kindly.:(


Ha! Says the pm who wrote on my thread that my degree was worthless!! Kind! Seriuosley!

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Some are most defiantly greedy; some are just looking out for their retirement and their children, and want something to hand down to them. Some are complacent and completely unaware or not interested in how their actions affect others. Some actually believe they are providing a valuable service in providing accommodation for those unfortunate people that can’t afford to buy, without realising they are part of the reason the young people can’t afford to buy.


I agree that not all landlords are evil money grubbing pigs. But ignorance is no defence. Maybe an awareness campaign is in order for the few that don't realise the misery they are responsible for?

More importantly, attitudes need to change. The accumulation of wealth at any cost seems to be what drives our capitalist society. It's depressing.

The house price/buy to let scandal of the last 15 years has just been a modern form of usury. I'm not saying banning landlords would make for a socialist utopia, but it would be a step in the right direction.

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We need to get back to a situation where an ordinary working man can afford to house and feed and clothe himself by working a forty hour week.Until this situation arises young people will not be motivated. These are basic human needs.

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and the money supply has risen even further in that time scale, and more QE cometh. 200% inflatin over a period of 7-15 years is priced in.


But the housing market rose to a greater degree than the money supply!


4 days till they print more inflation and unemployment.

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