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Funeral observations

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I was at my nanna's funeral today. It was only my 3rd funeral. Here's what I took away from the service:


1. The service seemed to be more about god and a fellow called Jesus than my dear nan.


2. Apparently god knows I was born a sinner and only Jesus can save me.


3. Apparently my prayers will be answered.


4. Apparently I only have to ask god for something and it will be given.


5. Some random bits of information about my nanan's life interspersed with the word "god".


So I think funeral is the perhaps wrong word. What in fact happened was I went to church and got preached to for 30 minutes about how great god and Jesus are and how I should find strength by looking to them rather than from within myself, as I am a sinner and cannot be trusted. :help:

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I'm guessing the person conducting the funeral didn't know your nanna that well. As a Christian, I find a Christian funeral service quite comforting at a time of loss and grief. That said, I attended a humanist service recently and thought it was excellent and it did make me want to learn a little more about this doctrine.

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I'm guessing the person conducting the funeral didn't know your nanna that well. As a Christian, I find a Christian funeral service quite comforting at a time of loss and grief. That said, I attended a humanist service recently and thought it was excellent and it did make me want to learn a little more about this doctrine.


My grandad's funeral was definitely Christian, I was just surprised at how little my nan was actually mentioned in this one. I'm not exaggerating when I say 80% of the service was reading from the Bible, singing hymns and basically telling us about god and Jesus. My nan's name popped up after about 10 mins amidst a sea of Biblical prose.


It was just... creepy.

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It depends on who conducts the service but also largely, on the information that the family members who are liaising with the vicar about the service give and their wishes. Some family members ask specifically for certain things to be mentioned, others leave it to the vicar's discretion.

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Before my Grandad died, he was adamant he didnt want a religous funeral, now I thought that was the only way to go, wether you believe in god or not.


Anyhow through research we found whats called a humanist minister, no religion involved, the funeral was the same, well not really as it was god free obviously, but the principle was, took 30 minutes had the songs played, but instead of the sermon and the prayers it was all about my grandad, a bit more work went into the process as we had to come up with a lot of stories about him as the service wasnt interjected with prayers and the god bit, but, do you know what as far as a funeral goes, it was really good as I say it was all about my grandad and nothing else.


I shall be requesting the same when my time is up.

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