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Williamson Hardware in Broomhill threatened

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I wrote to our local councillors regarding this. Cllr Shaffaq Mohammed (Lib Dem) has replied and has submitted his objection to the application.


No response from the other councillors yet.


Most of the objections are pointless. Most are just anti Sainsbury. The planners cant apply any weight to who the new retailer may or may not be. The application is merely to sub divide the existing unit, not change its use from hardware store to supermarket (there is no such change of use permission- the permission is already there to use it for A1 Retail- ie, hardware store, shoe shop, supermarket etc etc). As no extra retail space will be created I cant see any grounds for refusal on the basis of increased traffic etc.

Edited by GodStar
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I am running out of supermarkets I can shop at. Asda is out because it is part of Walmart who treat their staff terribly, Tesco is out due to the 'workfare' fiasco and now Sainsburys.


Why not get off your high horse and buy what you want where its cheapest rather than relying on the PC brigade to tell you which chains are "right on"?

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Most people passing through don't want to go to 6 different shops to buy a carrier bag full of food. That model belongs in the days when women were sat at home all day with nothing else to do but go shopping. Britain's not like that any more.


And you could say that these days less people - men or women - want a bag full of relatively tasteless, mass-produced rubbish from one shop & are prepared to take a bit of time to go to individual shops & get fresher, tastier food.

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Why not get off your high horse and buy what you want where its cheapest rather than relying on the PC brigade to tell you which chains are "right on"?


Because I have principles. I decide who gets my money. You have a problem with my horse?

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The planning application shows the landlord's details as :-


1. Applicant Name, Address and Contact Details

Mr John Lawson

Staghold Ltd

3 Dancastle Court

Arcadia Avenue




This will be the gentleman responsible for engaging Excel to persecute the owners of cars parked on the roof top car park.

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I'm not surprised about Rythm and Booze, the Bargain Booze (or whatever it's called) will have put them out of business because it's got a more favourable location.

It would be a terrible shame if Williamsons were to shut. It's one of the last proper shops in Broomhill. All the others seem to be cafes, hairdressers and charity shops that you you can't afford to shop in!

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And you could say that these days less people - men or women - want a bag full of relatively tasteless, mass-produced rubbish from one shop & are prepared to take a bit of time to go to individual shops & get fresher, tastier food.


The market says that people want supermarkets and not loads of little shops. We're supposed to bow down and tug our forelock to the great god 'the market' so that's what we get - all the little shops close and are replaced by shops that are better at making a profit.


It's not a simple issue though. Some supermarkets are very good; some small independent grocers are rubbish and vice versa. I don't feel inclined to support small shops if they are rubbish, nor Spar which is also rubbish.

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