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Jubilee Protest Day

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What a waste. That queen, living it off the government in her castles with her corgis. (and gin) Just how much does this cost to maintain?


The answer: 40 million pounds.


That’s about 65 pence per person per year of tax money going to the royal family.


Sure, It’s still twenty-three pence short of a complete shield, but it might be more than you want to pay.


Any after all, those are your coins. Why does the queen get to steal them? ...




Nicely transposed from a YouTube video. Rather than do the same, here's a link to the rebuttal video http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_2IO5ifWKdw

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But I digress – back to the the reason the Royals get tax money.


King George was having trouble paying his bills and had racked up debt.


While he did own huge tracts of land

Indeed he owned land, but Crown Land isn't part of that. 'The Crown' owned the land, the abstract entity of a monarch, and not the monarch himself. Like the Duchy of Cornwall is owned by the Prince of Wales, and not the real person who actually is the Prince of Wales.


From this point on, your history is wrong. The Crown Estates were signed over early, and the debts built up afterwards.


Parliament took him up on the deal, guessing that the profits from the rents would pay off long-term.

No, the lands made very little back then. Parliament wanted more control of what the monarch was spending, because they knew that a King couldn't be trusted with any power or money.


That’s right: The United Kingdom earns 160 million pounds in profit, every year from the Royal Family.

If you mean The Crown Estate, then you can't conclude that the Royal Family actually make us money. The land that William the Conqueror once stole in a conquest and has not been sold off or given away; what is left earns the treasury money.


Because it’s still their land. King George the crazy wasn’t crazy enough to give up everything, just the profits.

Of course it isn't theirs. If it makes 160 million a year then why doesn't Elizabeth take it back into her own posession? A contract signed hundreds of years ago can easily be negated.


Secondly, how did George inherit this land? At what point did it come into the posession of a group of German aristocrats? I'll give you a clue - it was at the point that we invited a German man to come here and be King.

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Sheffield knows a thing or two about scroungers. It's full of people who scrounge off the system, having never worked or contributed to society.


just like the royals. the royals are a waste of time and money, and by the way the goverment run this country, ( badly admitted) not the royal family we don't need them. it's said that they bring in tourist, that's a joke because the royals are hardly ever in this country, they are always on thier jollies or on the PISTE, on tax payers money :rant:

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If the government stopped paying the Royal Family’s living and state expenses the Royals would be forced to take back the profits from their land. And your taxes, dear Monarchy-haters, would go UP not DOWN.


Plus 160 million is just the easily measurable money the United Kingdom makes from the royal family.


pff - afaiac, inherited lands should go the way of hereditary monarch. It stands to reason, if we declared their position to be defunct, surely we would be declairing their right of ownership of the lands that come with their titles defunct too.


Even if we were to let the former royal family keep their lands, they would still have to pay tax upon any profits made. aside from just owning a bunch of land, what value do they actually add?


the reality is, the royals make a truly ham-fisted job out of attempting to turn a profit from their lands beyond basic 'it's my land' revenues. the duchy of cornwall brand had to be bailed out by waitroise from the verge of total colapse!


at least you didn't try to make the 'tourism' argument like some do - after all, paris has been shunned by sightseers since they lopped the freeloaders heads off, eh?


In reality, i'm far more interested in seeing the house of lords reformed into a democratic institution before worrying about the Saxe-Coburgs. but it would make sense to throw the whole, ridiculous historical aberration out at the same time. if they want to be the head of state, they can stand for election as the head of the lords, and you can vote for them! :D

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Why do they get to live in a palace, get international travel, stay in the best hotels, drink fine wines and we all pay for it? I never signed up to this, the rest of us scratching around, kicking turnips, t rying to eek a living!

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just like the royals. the royals are a waste of time and money, and by the way the goverment run this country, ( badly admitted) not the royal family we don't need them. it's said that they bring in tourist, that's a joke because the royals are hardly ever in this country, they are always on thier jollies or on the PISTE, on tax payers money :rant:


We don't need the benefit scroungers of Sheffield so lets start with them. Get rid of them, they make the city look unsightly, and the only thing they contribute to society are feral offspring.

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Why do they get to live in a palace, get international travel, stay in the best hotels, drink fine wines and we all pay for it? I never signed up to this, the rest of us scratching around, kicking turnips, t rying to eek a living!


Why don't you go and live in a republic then? :)

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