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Jubilee Protest Day

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Anybody who prefers to do away with our monarchy and let some of our politicians be rulers of this country need to really take stock. Britain has been made a laughing stock on numerous occasions for the decisions some of these politicians have made. Im no royalist but many countries still respect and envy the fact that we have the royal family.


But contrary to what you seem to believe politicians ARE the rulers of this country. When Queenie does her speech to Parliament it is written for her by politicians, she doesn't write it herself you know.


Politicians set taxes, choose which wars to fight, choose where our money is spent etc etc. Queenie has no say in that.


Tell me which political decisions have been made over the last 40 years by our monarchy that have saved us from being a laughing stock. I'll give you a clue...none. So what's their point?


This tired argument is always trotted out by the monarchists "Would you rather have President Tony Blair/Ed Miliband/David Cameron/Ken Dodd etc etc in charge?" As though by getting rid of the monarchy we'd be left with some terrible power vacuum that would have to be filled by someone else.

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The Queen and the royal family are great for this country. The moronic self named republic in my opinion should vacate England and join a republic country. They are essentially traitors to England and truly don't deserve to enjoy all that England and the Royal family have to offer. ( my personal opinion)

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London, South Bank, near City Hall and Tower Bridge between 12pm-5pm.


Media coverage lined up, speakers include Peter Tatchell and Joan Smith author and CBE refusenik. Queens boat expected to pass at 4pm.





Just more evidence that Care In The Community does not work. No doubt the BBC will cover it but the rest of the media will treat those loonatics with the contempt they deserve.


President Balls anyone?

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Says it all really. The protestors are really getting the crowd behind them. :D:D:D


With Her Majesty the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee this weekend, the British public’s support for the country remaining a monarchy is at a record high level according to Ipsos MORI’s special Diamond Jubilee poll. Eight in ten (80%) British adults favour Britain remaining a monarchy compared to 13% that want to see it becoming a republic.


Support for the monarchy is highest among older generations, with almost nine in ten (88%) of those aged 55+ saying Britain should remain a monarchy. Conservative supporters are most likely to be monarchists – 96% prefer Britain to have a monarch rather than become a republic compared to three-quarters (74%) of Labour supporters and 84% of Liberal Democrats.


As the Queen celebrates 60 years on the throne, some attention has recently focussed on who will succeed her. The Ipsos MORI Diamond Jubilee poll shows half (51%) of British adults think Prince Charles should not give up his right to be the next monarch in favour of his eldest son, Prince William, while four in ten (40%) think he should. This represents a shift in favour towards Prince Charles succeeding the Queen since last year’s Royal Wedding.

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