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The Queen, God Bless Her

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Liz reminds me of a robot. The little wave and turn of the head, a handshake and a few choice phrases to utter when she meets someone. Her Lady-in -waiting could be working her with a footswitch and by pulling a string dangling from the back of her neck.


That is all she does in public and people think she is wonderful. Please tell me what I am missing here. What has she ever done for those of you fawning over her on here?


People may envy or knock her role and question what she does, but can you imagine a lifetime where your choices are so limited ? Yes she may have travelled the world and been waited on but she has had to endure a lifetime of pomp and ceremony, shaking hands, waving and speeches ...... is that really so enviable :huh:

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You see there you go again, your only response to someone with differing opinions is to order them out of the country, so yes I think the words childish and aggressive fit really quite well. Me and my deep roots are going nowhere but as you seem to be fixated with the republics of Asian and Eastern European, here are a few more you might want to gen up on, USA, France, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, Austria; did these countries descend into totalitarianism or anarchy when they got rid of their monarchy I think not.


Within the reign of Queen Elizabeth 2nd


Presidents of the USA Eisenhower, (senile) Kennedy (serial fornicator, involved in the murder of Marilyn Monroe, assasinated by the mafia), Lyndon Johnson, corrupt southern democrat sent 50,000 americans to thier death in Vietnam, killed millions.) Nixon (impeached and required to resign Watergate). Gerald Ford (couldnt walk and chew gum at the same time). Carter (meant well, incompetent.) Reagan ( senile when elected, ruined economy, only success was due to involvement with Mrs Thatcher in ruining Russia.) Bush Senior (further ruined economy) Clinton (sorted economy, child molester and misuser of havana cigars) Bush Junior, (with Blair killed 500,000 Iraquis, caused biggest economic disaster since 1929. Moron.)


Presidents of France, Auriol (oversaw loss of colonial empire, riots all over France, hired and fired about a dozen Prime Ministers. Hopeless.) Coty, similar to above. De Gaulle. (Steadied the ship, hated UK and USA, bore the expression of "a female Llama suprised in her bath" according to Churchill, ultimately failed. Pompidou (best they ever had, serial fornicator, wife accompanied his mistress at funeral). Giscard d Estang (Non entity kicked out after one term) Mitterand (bombed Rainbow Warrior, crook). Chirac (stood trial this year for fraud.) Sarkozy (right wing midget, cocked up economy.) Latest one is a socialist loser.




Re the other countries you mention. I could go on but I forgot what street they are on.


But you take your pick, hope you are packing.


God save the Queen

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People may envy or knock her role and question what she does, but can you imagine a lifetime where your choices are so limited ? Yes she may have travelled the world and been waited on but she has had to endure a lifetime of pomp and ceremony, shaking hands, waving and speeches ...... is that really so enviable :huh:


In mid 70s she went on a state visit to Mexico,(during another LABOUR induced recession), the businessmen that accompanied were unanimous in stating that her presence was worth millions in new orders. Her hand shaking and networking are invaluable in representing this country.

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Within the reign of Queen Elizabeth 2nd


Presidents of the USA Eisenhower, (senile) Kennedy (serial fornicator, involved in the murder of Marilyn Monroe, assasinated by the mafia), Lyndon Johnson, corrupt southern democrat sent 50,000 americans to thier death in Vietnam, killed millions.) Nixon (impeached and required to resign Watergate). Gerald Ford (couldnt walk and chew gum at the same time). Carter (meant well, incompetent.) Reagan ( senile when elected, ruined economy, only success was due to involvement with Mrs Thatcher in ruining Russia.) Bush Senior (further ruined economy) Clinton (sorted economy, child molester and misuser of havana cigars) Bush Junior, (with Blair killed 500,000 Iraquis, caused biggest economic disaster since 1929. Moron.)


Presidents of France, Auriol (oversaw loss of colonial empire, riots all over France, hired and fired about a dozen Prime Ministers. Hopeless.) Coty, similar to above. De Gaulle. (Steadied the ship, hated UK and USA, bore the expression of "a female Llama suprised in her bath" according to Churchill, ultimately failed. Pompidou (best they ever had, serial fornicator, wife accompanied his mistress at funeral). Giscard d Estang (Non entity kicked out after one term) Mitterand (bombed Rainbow Warrior, crook). Chirac (stood trial this year for fraud.) Sarkozy (right wing midget, cocked up economy.) Latest one is a socialist loser.




Re the other countries you mention. I could go on but I forgot what street they are on.


But you take your pick, hope you are packing.


God save the Queen

And what would happen if she weren't such a 'good egg' and were vile, corrupt, inept, hopeless etc? We couldn't vote her out. We'd be stuck with her unless she were forced to abdicate.

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You see there you go again, your only response to someone with differing opinions is to order them out of the country, so yes I think the words childish and aggressive fit really quite well. Me and my deep roots are going nowhere but as you seem to be fixated with the republics of Asian and Eastern European, here are a few more you might want to gen up on, USA, France, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, Austria; did these countries descend into totalitarianism or anarchy when they got rid of their monarchy I think not.


PS. USA never had a monarchy,


France beheaded the king and hundreds of thousands died in the terror followed by Napoleon and war in Europe and throughout the world for 20 years.


Italy became a country in 1881 (or there abouts) in 1946 following a rigged election Unberto was forced out. Italy has never really had a settled government since.


Portugal, Manuel 2nd was replaced by the dictatorship of Salazar, for over 30 years this fascist terrorised the people of Portugal which only became a democracy in the 1970s


Austria, Assasination of Franz Joseh started 1st World war.


I dont think the examples you give are very good, on your flight, (dont be late), think of a few more I can shoot down.

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PS. USA never had a monarchy,


France beheaded the king and hundreds of thousands died in the terror followed by Napoleon and war in Europe and throughout the world for 20 years.


Italy became a country in 1881 (or there abouts) in 1946 following a rigged election Unberto was forced out. Italy has never really had a settled government since.


Portugal, Manuel 2nd was replaced by the dictatorship of Salazar, for over 30 years this fascist terrorised the people of Portugal which only became a democracy in the 1970s


Austria, Assasination of Franz Joseh started 1st World war.


I dont think the examples you give are very good, on your flight, (dont be late), think of a few more I can shoot down.


You have abjectly failed to shoot down the USA and France as examples of working republics though.


Your arguments have no consistency, you criticise France's republic for losing their empire yet exactly the same thing happened to Britain. You tried to contain comparisons within the years of Elizabeth's monarchy yet you had to jump back 100 years to find a bad word about Austria (and not one that speaks at all to the pros or cons of republics).


You're all over the place basically, all bluster and no substance.


Of course the US never had a monarchy, because the US was founded on rational democratic principles.


If you were setting up a country from scratch, would you pick some random rich family and turn them into royalty? Of course not that's retarded.

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Here's a hypothetical for any monarchists out there who dare to entertain it:


Let's say hypothetically that every single person in line for the throne were unable to take it, and we had no heir to the throne.


Would you pick someone else to be the new king/queen?

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I have never suggested they dont function, I only suggest that our system is better.

I have never suggested that you suggested that.


In fact I used your exact phrasing of 'shooting them down'.


If you didn't mean shooting them down metaphorically as examples or working republics then what did you mean? shooting them down literally?

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You have abjectly failed to shoot down the USA and France as examples of working republics though.


Your arguments have no consistency, you criticise France's republic for losing their empire yet exactly the same thing happened to Britain. You tried to contain comparisons within the years of Elizabeth's monarchy yet you had to jump back 100 years to find a bad word about Austria (and not one that speaks at all to the pros or cons of republics).


You're all over the place basically, all bluster and no substance.


We didnt really lose our Empire we gave it back. We never had the convulsions of Algeria or Indo China. This because domestically we were not in the confused situation that France was. This substantially due to the presence of the monarchy.


You put no time line on your assertions, merely stating that your examples showed that republics functioned better than monarchies, you have no evidence for this.


I am not all over the place, my position is perfectly static, it is you who are unable to provide any evidence at all. Just the envious meanderings of a mediocre posuer.


Do you need a lift to the airport?

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