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The Queen, God Bless Her

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Its not about the divine right at all, its about whats right for the country. The monarchy makes us unique, we should cherish it.


PS name the mistake?


As I said, she has a very good PR department that make sure we don't hear about any bloomers.Every public appearance is planned meticulously.

Not sure why the monarchy should make us unique, as other countries have monarchies. Is it the way we fawn over them that makes us different?

I have been watching the series Shewolves of England. Now they were historically interesting individuals.Not sure I would want to sing their praises though.

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No need to be discourteous, for all we know you may be older, anyway it's ageism:P



Actually I didn't make myself clear..I didn't mean age as in years. She could be 22 but comes across mentally old. Knitted toilet dolly, chintz and all that stuff.


I can see why she has the hots for me though...bless her.

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Ok, Ill have a contrived giggle with you.
Now this IS amusing ...

Graham Smith of Republic said "From the messages of support we are getting, I expect this to be the biggest republican protest in my lifetime".

Just remind me, apart from Bloomdido, who attended this massive protest? Up to 1,000 apparently, and no media coverage to speak of. And it rained too, awwww! EPIC FAIL!


Meanwhile, in other news, at the same time around a million people from all over the world turned up to help the Queen celebrate, and even Barak and Michelle sent her a nice message. EPIC WIN!

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Neither do squirrels when caught in a headlight...eventually the wheels of time catch up.
Wouldn't that be rabbits? Squirrels aren't normally out and about after dark. And the wheels of time have headlights? Who knew ... :)


I'm not quite feeling this comparison somehow ... I think you have your metaphors mixed :)

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