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The Queen, God Bless Her

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Oh darling never hide, just be you and have your opinions, the difference is that I don't have a gang behind me, I only have my own thoughts, opinions and feelings on here ...... Bless xxxxx


Hmmm, yes, I have a gang behind me, so much so that Ruby and I are polarised on this issue.

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What happened there, oh ....I expressed an opinion....how dare I........I also said that I may be wrong xxx
The Dream Team, seem to think it started as a joke a while ago, on a rare occasion when the component parts were all, for once, in agreement?


As you can see, we're not joined at the hip, as Suffragette1 and I are arguing the two sides of the question, definitely not a gang. I was only hiding from the moderators, they're bound to come along and point us to the chatroom sooner or later. :)


I'm not even particularly a monarchist, I just can't see any benefit of not having them around. I like a bit of national pride, spectacle and glitz and we'd probably not get any at all in this country, if we got rid of the Crown.

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Actually I didn't make myself clear..I didn't mean age as in years. She could be 22 but comes across mentally old. Knitted toilet dolly, chintz and all that stuff.


I can see why she has the hots for me though...bless her.


You've been wanting to get your own back on me since i "rattled your cage" on the God thread haven't you,well i think you've got your revenge.

Actually you are two years out, i'm actually 24 now.


I must say though the cardigan i'm knitting for you is coming on a treat,i'm sure you will be delighted with it. ;)

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You have not upset me (again or otherwise) I am simply trying to understand why, as a 21st century developed democracy we should be fascinated by this Disneyesque fantasy.It doesn't seem quite rational

I'm glad you said we! Whats irrational about it though? its just something we have always been good at in this Country,pomp and ceremony, pageants etc. You are British be proud, we are the envy of the world.Thats why they don't vote for us in the Eurovision contest,but who cares about that,they are envious of our culture and music they know we have better singers and rock bands.

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I'm glad you said we! Whats irrational about it though? its just something we have always been good at in this Country,pomp and ceremony, pageants etc. You are British be proud, we are the envy of the world.Thats why they don't vote for us in the Eurovision contest,but who cares about that,they are envious of our culture and music they know we have better singers and rock bands.


The irrational part of it all was summed up by a comedian on channel 4 the other night. Something like "all this fuss and emotion for someone else's grandma who happens to be queen of England by accident of birth and couldn't care less if we lived or died, in poverty or not."

I'm very proud to be British but the monarchy has nothing to do with why.

The other irrational part of British monarchism is evident when people voting labour and subscribing to socialist views at the same being ardent monarchists.

Socialism and monarchism are mutually exclusive beliefs yet they seem to exist side by side in Britain. To me that seems irrational and ironic.

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