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The Queen, God Bless Her

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Can't you be happy for the millions in their masses that have experienced the pleasure of this wonderful event,not just in Britain but in the Commonwealth countries and other parts of the world.

What about the Concert? that was a great success even people on this forum have expressed that.

These last few days will be an event that will go down in History,and you are lucky to have been in London at that time,one day you will be able to say to your grandchildren...I was there!


Isn't it a depressing thought that that is what will go down in history? No impressive achievement, no good deeds on their part, just a huge expensive ceremony that quelled the masses who are being subjugated and driven into poverty?


"hey, where were you in 2012 while unemployment, poverty and suicide rates were soaring and people around the world were going hungry?"


"well I was watching the pretty fireworks and concert in London."

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Can't you be happy for the millions in their masses that have experienced the pleasure of this wonderful event,not just in Britain but in the Commonwealth countries and other parts of the world...


No. I can't be happy so long as she sits on her immense wealth whilst ordinary people (some of whom are considered her subjects) do not even have access to clean drinking water.


Wonderful event my arse.

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Isn't it a depressing thought that that is what will go down in history? No impressive achievement, no good deeds on their part, just a huge expensive ceremony that quelled the masses who are being subjugated and driven into poverty?


"hey, where were you in 2012 while unemployment, poverty and suicide rates were soaring and people around the world were going hungry?"


"well I was watching the pretty fireworks and concert in London."


The fact that there is poverty and hardship is the very reason why we need joyous events such as these,community spirit is so important to a nation in hard times.The things that bring laughter and joy,and pride too.Yes i realise that we can have those things on a smaller scale,but when they are done on a much larger scale the shared experience extends further and makes the enjoyment more pleasurable.Don't you think people need to be diverted from the doom and gloom of the worlds miseries once in a while.

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The fact that there is poverty and hardship is the very reason why we need joyous events such as these,community spirit is so important to a nation in hard times.The things that bring laughter and joy,and pride too.Yes i realise that we can have those things on a smaller scale,but when they are done on a much larger scale the shared experience extends further and makes the enjoyment more pleasurable.Don't you think people need to be diverted from the doom and gloom of the worlds miseries once in a while.


I'm terribly sorry, but really, what?

Go seek mental help. The royal family is a scourge. They perpetuate this situation and do not help at all. Abidcation is the only honest response.

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I'm terribly sorry, but really, what?

Go seek mental help. The royal family is a scourge. They perpetuate this situation and do not help at all. Abidcation is the only honest response.


Who would you like to see in her place?

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Don't you think people need to be diverted from the doom and gloom of the worlds miseries once in a while.


No, they need to be enlightened as to the true nature and cause of that doom and gloom. A bullet in the head would just as effectively "divert" them from it. All this phony pageantry does is distract us from the reality of it all, within which a rational solution lies.

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I'm getting a gloomy feeling coming on,excuse me while i go and open a bottle of wine.:hihi:
I'll join you! All this worthiness and angst is bringing me down, as we used to say in the 60s.


I don't know, we have a couple of days of having fun and games on the rain, a couple of spectacular occasions and a concert, and then have to suffer being preached at by Roundheads for days and days. Our intelligence and motives being questioned by a tall, white, male, a naked soft toy and random assorted killjoys. I'm starting to ask myself, was it worth it?


I'm feeling a bit like I used to when I sloped off for a weekend of gigs and general mayhem and then had to suffer a week of reproachful looks and lectures from my parents. :D

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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the second, of Great Britain and the Commonwealth. Has amassed a fortune of some 17 trillion pounds in investments, cash, land, buildings and pieces of art.


That's enough to end world poverty and hunger ten times over and still have enough left to live a life more luxurious than you or I could ever begin to imagine.


Instead, she chooses to sit on it and do nothing.


Rather than be subjected to the righteous fury that she so obviously deserves, this person is treated as someone to be admired, worshipped even. Of course she looks wonderful and has beautiful skin. So would you if you had never had occaision to worry about the unimportant things in life like an electricity bill or food for the kids and have your every whim catered for you by a bevy of servants.This is not a glorious tradition. It is a downright shame. A shame that the people of Great Britain have endured for centuries.


It is a shame that needs to be ended now.


Off with their heads.


That is a bit disingenuous I feel, of course she probably never need lift a finger but to say that she has had no worries is nonsense. I am sure that like any parent, she has agonised over her children's failed marriages, not just from a personal perspective but also from a public one. I daresay that she frets about how she will cope if Phil dies, how Charles will manage the huge 'burden' (his words) that he will have to face someday etc etc. Also, given that she is an outdoors type and her skin has been subjected to all the elements, she looks remarkably good considering. Living under such public scrutiny must be incredibly stressful. I expect that she's now worrying about how Kate Middleton will fare under the public gaze and hoping that she copes better than Diana did.

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