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The Queen, God Bless Her

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I'll join you! All this worthiness and angst is bringing me down, as we used to say in the 60s.


I don't know, we have a couple of days of having fun and games on the rain, a couple of spectacular occasions and a concert, and then have to suffer being preached at by Roundheads for days and days. Our intelligence and motives being questioned by a tall, white, male, a naked soft toy and random assorted killjoys. I'm starting to ask myself, was it worth it?


I'm feeling a bit like I used to when I sloped off for a weekend of gigs and general mayhem and then had to suffer a week of reproachful looks and lectures from my parents. :D


I know what you mean,the price we have to pay for a little pleasure.Still you know what they say are the best characteristics of us Brits "Bulldog Spirit" always refusing to accept defeat.:hihi:

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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the second, of Great Britain and the Commonwealth. Has amassed a fortune of some 17 trillion pounds in investments, cash, land, buildings and pieces of art.


That's enough to end world poverty and hunger ten times over and still have enough left to live a life more luxurious than you or I could ever begin to imagine.


Instead, she chooses to sit on it and do nothing.


Rather than be subjected to the righteous fury that she so obviously deserves, this person is treated as someone to be admired, worshipped even. Of course she looks wonderful and has beautiful skin. So would you if you had never had occaision to worry about the unimportant things in life like an electricity bill or food for the kids and have your every whim catered for you by a bevy of servants.


This is not a glorious tradition. It is a downright shame. A shame that the people of Great Britain have endured for centuries.


It is a shame that needs to be ended now.


Off with their heads.


She let me eat cake ! :thumbsup:

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A personal art collection worth over £10 billion and a trust which has stakes in the bank of England not to mention countless other business. She may not be the sole owner of the entire 17 trillion but she surely benefits from it being held in her name.


That £10 billion (estimated) art collection is just the same as the crown estate. Its owned by the state. Not the queen.


It is no different to the billions of pounds of art locked away in town hall vaults or hung up in some senior cabinet ministers office. We never get to see this but its still owned by the state.


Read some facts.

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The fact that there is poverty and hardship is the very reason why we need joyous events such as these,community spirit is so important to a nation in hard times.The things that bring laughter and joy,and pride too.Yes i realise that we can have those things on a smaller scale,but when they are done on a much larger scale the shared experience extends further and makes the enjoyment more pleasurable.Don't you think people need to be diverted from the doom and gloom of the worlds miseries once in a while.


I think you have hit the nail on the head there.People will grasp at the chance to feel part of a "community",because we have lost the sense of real community in our neighbourhoods .I don't see that we have elevate an individual to the status of deity(almost) and then pour adulation on them to celebrate who we are .That used to be the case in many cultures (and still is in less developed parts of the world) but we are a 21st century democracy.

I hope that the street parties have helped to bring some sense of community to some areas and that now the festivities are over they don't go back to ignoring their neighbours. We didn't have a party in our street for the jubilee but we will be having one later in the summer as we do every year and there won't be a single union flag to be seen.

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