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Does Prince Charles urinate in a chamber pot held for him by a Manservant?

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Is it true that on occasion Prince Charles urinates in a chamber pot held for him by a Manservant?


I read this or saw something about it on TV a couple of years ago (wish I could remember where!)


Because I can't remember the source if information, I'm now left wondering if it was bit of disinformation put about by scurrilous anti royalists or if it's true.


Anyone ever heard of this?


If it was on tv or in the papers it has to be true !

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He does have a servant to:

a. run his bath

B. put toothpaste on his toothbrush for him

C. have someone dress him.


And still some people think he is better than them.....surely anyone who believes that an accident of birth renders someone better than everyone else is on a par with flat-earthers and creationists and should be sectioned for their own health.

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And still some people think he is better than them.....surely anyone who believes that an accident of birth renders someone better than everyone else is on a par with flat-earthers and creationists and should be sectioned for their own health.


A believer in equality?

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He does have a servant to:

a. run his bath

B. put toothpaste on his toothbrush for him

C. have someone dress him.


If this is actually true - which im skeptical of -




He is just the same of thousands and thousands other rich people all over the world. You do realise there is still a huge business of being a Butler alive and well for those who can afford it.


You would be amazed how many city slickers in London and company directors have a house full of a range of staff.


What about us average joes

Ever stayed in a 5* hotel or been on a ship with a room butler to unpack your bags, fold and store your clothes, iron and set out your evening outfit, run a bath, set out the bathroom ready, turn down the bed, set out the slippers, lay the bath mat, lay out the towels, bring and pour your morning tea, etc.... etc.... Is that really that far away??


How many of our worshipped celebs turn up to a venue with dressers, personal assistants, runners, hair stylists, make up artists, publicists, personal caterer and god knows what. How many times do we hear stories of people demanding the room be painted white or all the glasses must be a certain crystal or they must only have Red Jelly Babies etc... etc...


IMO that's even worse behaviour. Funny how that never gets criticised but the royals do.

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I'm sure I once saw something in this area, possibly on Worst Jobs in History with Tony Robinson. Apparently, in the times of Henry VIII, a royal 'bottom wiper' was employed :gag:, and this was one of the most important jobs in the palace. Probably because of the personal nature of the job, but I seem to remember that the royal bottom wiper was a very important gentleman!

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I'm sure I once saw something in this area, possibly on Worst Jobs in History with Tony Robinson. Apparently, in the times of Henry VIII, a royal 'bottom wiper' was employed :gag:, and this was one of the most important jobs in the palace. Probably because of the personal nature of the job, but I seem to remember that the royal bottom wiper was a very important gentleman!


I'd do it if I could use a stick.:hihi:

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He does have a servant to:

a. run his bath

B. put toothpaste on his toothbrush for him

C. have someone dress him.


If this is actually true - which im skeptical of -




He is just the same of thousands and thousands other rich people all over the world. You do realise there is still a huge business of being a Butler alive and well for those who can afford it..


Indeed. Many people will have been born into wealth that their ancestors accrued. Charles will be King of this nation purely because of his gender and the particular vagina that he was pushed out of. No other qualification is necessary.

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