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Does Prince Charles urinate in a chamber pot held for him by a Manservant?

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Ok republican. I get it. Do you have to be so crude.


How about those who EARN their wealth. Not every rich person is born into it. Not everyone born into wealth and power keeps it.


Most of the royals have a day job too. Despite what some of the papers say they do have their OWN personal wealth and land. They do have their OWN personal investments and stock. Its not all funded by our 60 odd pence each a year. The queen and her successor are also doing a job for life day in day out. A job which is 24/7 whilst being constantly ushered around with every move under observation from your staff, country and the world's media.


Despite all that they are still not as rich or powerful as a handful of company directors and mega businessmen.


How about throwing a few darts at the Murdoch offspring, The rich bankers and their children, the Trump family, The Hilton Family even the Blairs and Camerons...... How about a closer inspection of what they put into society What about a little delve into their finances.


At least the privvy purse is transparent.

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I have never revealed this before but I was once the proud underling who held Prince Charles' pot whist he got on with his business. I held the job [ and the pot ] for 4 unflinching years. I got paid by the litre and I confess I often added my own contribution to the pot as there was 'bonus by quantity' plan in operation.

The extra money helped me to splash out. I was only dismissed after I accidently picked up one of the Queen Mother 's hats in mistake for the correct receptacle [ A bit kettled at the time ]. However, I will never forget my ' brush with greatness ' and I might write a book about it later-----followed by a film ?

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