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Unemployed bussed in to steward river pageant

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Well at least it got there lazy bums off the sofa for a while.


You people who don't like scroungers are usually very concerned about taxpayers money being ripped off. Here you are then, here's why you should care if nothing else:


Documents posted on the GLA website show that the GLA, Home Office and DCMS contributed £500k each for stewarding and crowd control.


Following multi-agency assessment of the scope of River Pageant and the requirement for adequate stewarding and crowd management arrangements along the route on the north and south banks of the Thames, it was proposed that DCMS, Home Office and GLA make an equal contribution of up to £500,000 each towards the costs of such arrangements.


The documents say the £1.5m was raised. But where did the money for stewarding go?


Did that £1.5m go entirely to the contracted companies, and not the long-term unemployed people they drafted in? paid staff originally pencilled in to steward the Pageant were told they were no longer needed a few days beforehand. It could be you one day.



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Interesting thought though.

I work and I get paid for it. People on benefits get paid regardless yet when put in a position to do some work it's an outrage that they aren't receiving more pay. A simplistic view I know but why if they are already receiving money for doing nothing should they receive more for working?

There's many a thread on here where the claimants are branded as scroungers and worse yet when they are made to do something they're defended.


The problem is that we have minimum wage laws in this country and if an employer flouts them the law steps in.


With the work programme, these laws are ignored. An unemployed person aged 18-24 on JSA recieves £56.25. The national minimum wage varies for this age grouping so for arguement sake, we're talking about a 19 old @ £4.98


£56.25 / £4.98 = 11.29 hours (approx 11hrs 20mins)


These people who were stewards worked 14 hours on the actual day. NMW means that they should have been paid £69.72.


In some instances of the work programme people are being made to work 30+hrs


I would have no issue with working for a public company using the set NMW as a blueprint for the amount of hours I can work. But no way in hell do I think it's acceptable for a private company to benefit from labour that costs them nothing.


What's next for the unemployed, a step back to Victorian times and workhouses being fed gruel ?

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Oh for goodness sake get a grip, so I got the wrong poster, I wasn't being facetious, I was only pointing out the facts.


I have no need to get a grip, if you got right person 1st time, it's not my fault. I have absolutely no objection to facts being pointed out, my biggest objection is having them pointed out to me when, I've had naff all to do with them.:)

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